Craig is "Pro-Life"
- There is something tragically wrong when a nation's mothers
kill their own babies a million times a year; four thousand
babies are killed every day in America.
- Polls indicate Americans oppose 90% of all abortions which
take place.
- It is never necessary to
kill a baby in order to save the life of a mother.
- Many pro-abortionists say that abortion should be "safe,
legal, and rare." Why should the exercise
of a "constitutional right" be "rare?" This
is like a government censor saying freedom of the press
should be "rare," or a pro-lynching KKK member saying trials
by jury should be "rare." Abortions should be rare
because they are murder.
Craig is "Pro-Choice"
- Government force -- fines, imprisonment,
or execution -- is not the
solution to abortion.
- If a pregnant woman is pressured to get an abortion by her
abusive so-called "boyfriend," by her status-conscious
parents, and by a greedy abortionist, she should not then be
locked up in prison with a carjacker and a prostitute.
- The government says it is "unconstitutional" to
teach students that human beings are created in the image of
God, and that God says not to kill them. Threatening such
mal-educated students with jail will not cause them to respect
- Here's how to stop abortion
without raising taxes to support an army of anti-abortion
"jackbooted thugs."
The 109th Congress should:
From their home page:
Libertarian Case Against Abortion
explain and defend our case, LFL argues that:
- Human
offspring are human beings, persons from fertilization.
- Abortion
is homicide -- the killing of one person by another.
- There
is never a right to kill an innocent person. Prenatally, we
are all innocent persons.
- A
prenatal child has the right to be in the mother's body.
Parents have no right to evict their children from the crib or
from the womb and let them die. Instead both parents, the
father as well as the mother, owe them support and protection
from harm.
- No
government, nor any individual, has a just power to legally
depersonify any one of us, born or preborn.
- The
proper purpose of the law is to side with the innocent, not
against them.
details, please read LFL's
literature. |
"Her Body"
Proponents of abortion say "it's my body."
Life -- the body of a genetically distinct individual -- begins
at conception. A mother has no more of a right to kill the life that's
nursing in "her body" than she does
to kill a life that's nursing on "her
Libertarian Perspectives:
- Bringing
Back Liberty, Harry Browne, June 12, 2001
- Freedom
from Moral Posturing (from The Great Libertarian Offer)
- Libertarian
Stand on Abortion, the, Harry Browne, December 21, 1998
- Truth
about the Republican & Democratic Parties, The, Harry Browne,
March 23, 1999
According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 50 million abortions are performed around the world every year. That's an average of 136,986.3 abortions every single day.
Summary - The State of World Population 2000
Abortion: Number One Killer of Blacks
"Preserving the life of the mother"
Abortion is never necessary to "preserve the life of
the mother."
If a pregnancy is not developing normally and the mother's life is in
imminent danger, then the baby's life is also in danger; if the mother
dies, so will the baby. If the baby must be removed from its present
location to save the mother's life, the baby can be re-placed somewhere
where growth can continue, if not in the mother, then in an incubator.
Attempting to preserve the baby's life at this point will not endanger any
mother. Deliberately killing the baby is never necessary.
Every attempt should be made to preserve the life of the baby. The death
of an unborn baby should always be a tragic and unfortunate consequence of
underdeveloped medical technology, never an intentional choice.
next: Bio-Ethics |
I appreciate your comments
Do you disagree with me?
I will thoughtfully, prayerfully, respectfully and
personally respond to your criticisms
email: comments@KevinCraig.US |