Every Congressman takes an oath to "support the Constitution."
Scholars and political scientists will tell you what most people don't
know: we no longer live under the Constitution, with its three branches of
government. We live under "Administrative
Law" in an "Administrative
State." James Freedman has called "the administrative
state" "a fourth branch of government,"[1] but
it is actually a form of government which Madison, as he wrote in The
Federalist, would have called “the very essence of tyranny.”[2]
Rather than calling attention to this tyranny, most congressmen have
continued to vote for higher appropriations for this unconstitutional
system. Both the Republican and the Democrat parties are completely out of
step with the intent of the Founding Fathers and the genius of the
American system.
While a few thousand bills are introduced in Congress each term, only a
few hundred become law, and this includes things like renaming a post
office and giving a medal to Frank Sinatra.
Most of the real lawmaking is done in the bureaucracies. These
unconstitutional agencies create ten times more law than Congress -- some
70,000 pages a year in "The
Federal Register."
"Congressional oversight" of these bureaucracies is
impossible; the size of government -- the "Administrative State"
-- is as incomprehensible as it is unconstitutional.
Thousand Commandments - The Cato Institute
Has the Constitution Been
Suspended? -- The Rise of the "Administrative State"
The Foundations of the
Constitution have been Destroyed
Here is a list of many key federal
agencies, departments, boards and commissions. These can be broken down
into the following areas:
The Cabinet Departments
Major Independent Agencies
Obscure Independent Agencies
and Government (independent.org)
and the Administrative State
E. Corwin, Constitutional Revolution, Ltd., 13 (1941).