The 109th Congress
- repeal the Federal Power Act of
1935 and abolish the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC);
- repeal the 1935 Public Utility
Holding Company Act (PUHCA) and the 1978 Public Utility
Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA);
- privatize federal power marketing
authorities, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and all federal
power generation facilities;
- eliminate all tax preferences
applicable to municipal power companies and electricity
- eliminate all federal price
subsidies, tax incentives, and regulatory preferences for
renewable energy;
- declare that any state or municipal
regulation of the generation, transmission, distribution, or
retail sale of electricity interferes with interstate trade
and is a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Commerce
Clause; and
- require open, nondiscriminatory
access to all federal public rights-of-way for electricity
transmission and distribution services, except when such
services present a public safety hazard.
next: Urban Sprawl/Growth