The 109th Congress should
- eliminate exclusive representation,
or at least pass a national right-to-work law, or codify the
U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions in NLRB
v. General Motors (1963)
and Communications
Workers of America v. Beck (1988);
- repeal section 8(a)2 of the
National Labor Relations Act, or at least permit
labor-management cooperation that is not union-management
cooperation only;
- codify the Supreme Court’s ruling
in NLRB v. Mackay
Radio & Telegraph (1938)
that employers have an undisputed right to hire permanent
replacement workers for striking workers in economic strikes;
- overturn the Supreme Court’s
ruling in U.S. v.
Enmons (1973) that
prohibits federal prosecution of unionists for acts of
extortion and violence when those acts are undertaken in
pursuit of "legitimate union objectives";
- overturn the Supreme Court’s
ruling in NLRB v.
Town & Country Electric (1995)
that forces employers to hire paid union organizers as
ordinary employees;
- protect the associational rights of
state employees by overriding state and local laws that impose
NLRA-style unionism on state and local government employment;
- repeal the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act and
the 1965 Service Contract Act.
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