The United States of America
became the greatest nation on earth by following this simple
Under God
For America's Founding Fathers, "Liberty
Under God
" meant that no person or group has the right to
prevent others from living peacefully under their "Vine
& Fig Tree." That includes "the
government," because it too is "under
- For decades, this principle
has been under attack by all three branches of government.
- • Congress
has been delegating our liberties
• the President has
sacrificed our liberties in a short-sighted quest for "security,"
• and the Supreme Court has been
at war with
God for two generations.
Many in both the "Religious Right" and the secular
"left" oppose the Founding Fathers' idea of "Liberty
Under God."
"Under God"
Too many Americans are afraid of "Liberty."
Too many Americans are afraid of God.
They think that if there's too much liberty,
society will fall into chaos and lawlessness. But that's why
we must be a nation "under God," observing "the
Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."
They think that "under God" means an
army of clerical police telling you that you can't drink,
smoke, eat a cheeseburger or drive an SUV.
But that's why we must defend "liberty."
Some people say they want a
nation "under God," but they think liberty
is for "anarchists," and they want lots of
laws enforced by lots of police and lots of executions and
"mandatory minimums." |
Some people say
they want "liberty," but they want to be
their own god, without morals or responsibility; they want
a secular nation, not one that reminds them of their
duties to the God of America's Founding
Fathers. |
The Ninth Circuit
Court of Appeals is threatened
by schoolchildren saying the words "Under God"
in the Pledge of Allegiance, and banned those words from
government schools, to the great consternation of the
"Religious Right." |
But the Religious
Right favors abridging our liberty if Washington D.C.
says it's necessary in order to achieve "security"
through a "War on [some]
Terrorism" or a "War on [some]
Drugs." |
Under God
" should not be
just an empty slogan to parade about on patriotic occasions. Kevin
Craig is the only candidate for Congress who is willing to risk
being labeled "politically incorrect" by sticking to this
principle as consistently as America's Founders did.
The contrast between contemporary America and her Founding
Fathers is seen in the fact that the Founders were willing to risk their
lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to fight taxes
which scholars estimate at 3-5%. Americans blithely pay ten
times more without more than occasional comment about taxes
being "too high." The ratification of the Constitution was
not an easy process, as Americans were concerned about surrendering
even the slightest liberty. Most of these liberties have
been lost. In the choice between a government nanny and liberty,
America's Founders chose liberty.
Limitations on government power and human rights flowed naturally
from the
Christian presuppositions of Western Civilization. A
government that does not acknowledge itself to be "under
God" is a government that thinks it is
God, and the Messianic State is a threat to your liberties. If your
neighbor thinks he's god, he is a threat to your liberties.
The Founders recognized that society could not be held together—and
the rights of human beings protected—without the pervasive effect
of religion
and morality. The oft-repeated slogan of "separation
of church and state" no longer has anything to do with
churches or church denominations (as the Framers intended), but in
practice means the separation of God and state,
something opposed by every
single person who signed the Constitution. In his Farewell
Address, George Washington, "the Father of his Country,"
reminded the nation:
Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political
prosperity, Religion, and Morality are indispensable supports.—In
vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should
labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these
firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. —The mere
Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to
cherish them.—A volume could not trace all their connexions with
private and public felicity.—Let it simply be
asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for
life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which
are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let
us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be
maintained without religion.—Whatever may be conceded to the
influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure—reason
and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality
can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.—
Why is the federal government is imposing secularism on our
schools and our public institutions? Because the God of the Bible
must be pushed out of the way in order to make room for the
Messianic State. Your liberties are not safe if the government
thinks it's God.
Should we take up arms against this atheistic tyranny? Kevin
Craig opposes violent revolution, even
America's War for Independence, but agrees with the Founders
that Britain's infringement on our liberties was immoral.
- Liberty
- Limited Government
- Human Dignity
- Opportunity
- Freedom
- Under God
- Rights Given by God
- Accountable to God
- Responsibility
- Moral Absolutes
lawyers, and other professionals are required to take
"Continuing Education" classes to remain up-to-date
and fully qualified to practice their profession. We should
all be professional Americans. This web site is my effort to
provide "Continuing American Education." |
Throughout this web site you will find insights into the
relationship between liberty and true
religion. You'll find criticisms of government programs which infringe
on liberty and replace true religion with a false religion which
undercuts public virtue and personal responsibility. You'll find
historical information on the true foundations of the American
system, and a classroom full of resources on the economic and
political theory which distinguishes America from all the
socialistic nations of the world. Both the Republican and Democratic
parties have abandoned these principles. Now you have a chance to
vote for someone who will give a voice for traditional American
values which brought the prosperity that amazed the world, making
America the most respected and admired nation in history.
next: Vine
& Fig Tree: The American