Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2006
Media Bias

Critique of Leftist Media Bias:

ACCURACY IN MEDIA - For Fairness, Balance and Accuracy in News Reporting

Distributed several times a week, CyberAlerts track the latest instances of media bias -- often just hours after it occurs -- and alert readers to stories the major media are ignoring. Sign up to receive the CyberAlerts via
     Archive: 1996 -- Present

Media Reality Check
A weekly -- sometimes daily depending on events -- fax report on major news stories distorted or ignored.
     Archive: 1997 -- Present

Notable Quotables
A bi-weekly compilation of the most outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media.
     Archive: 1988 -- Present, including the annual awards

A review of the latest bias, reporting trends and noteworthy items in the weekly news magazines: Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report.

Published from 1988 until May of 1999, MediaWatch was a monthly and later a bi-weekly newsletter dedicated to documenting liberal bias in reporting by reviewing news coverage of political and current events by the television networks, newspapers and weekly news magazines. Amongst the features: an in-depth Review or Study as well as shorter NewsBites.
     Archive: 1988 -- May, 1999

Free Market Project's monthly newsletter about what the media tell Americans about free enterprise.
     Archives: 1996 -- Present

Special Reports
Special reports provide an in-depth study, analysis or review exploring the media. Don't miss our newest, "Clamoring for Kyoto: The Networks’ One-Sided Coverage of Global Warming."

Critique of alleged Right-wing Bias:

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: The National Media Watch ...

What's Wrong With the News? An Overview

next: Business: Corporate Welfare