Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2006

The 109th Congress should:
  • refuse to commit American troops to defend interests of global oil corporations in the Mideast.
  • follow the policies of America's Founding Fathers by eliminating government-to-government aid for Israel, Iraq, and other governments in the Mideast.
  • end policies against private aid to and commerce with Iraq and other Mideast nations.
  • direct that U.S. military forces be withdrawn from Saudi Arabia;

  • adopt a more even-handed approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by removing U.S. military and economic support for Israel and ending active mediation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict;

  • end the comprehensive economic sanctions against Iraq; and

  • end support for despotic Arab governments, such as those in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

On American aid to Iraq and other terrorist nations, see terrorism.



The Mideast/Balkan Connection:

next: Central/South America