The 109th Congress should:
Hard-core pornography distribution
is not a victimless crime. It is
degrading to women and children and its secondary effects of
increased crime are destructive of family and community life.
Anyone who uses force or threats to make a woman perform should be
charged with kidnapping, assault, and/or rape. Any pictures or
film should be confiscated and burned, because no one has the
right to benefit from the proceeds of a crime.
Unfortunately, most women who participate
in pornography do so voluntarily.
Pornography is a perversion of the gift of
sexuality. By its nature, it diminishes the humanity of everyone
involved. Those captured by camera images are not treated as human
beings created in the Image of God, worthy of dignity and value.
The viewer’s humanity is also diminished by becoming party to
exploitation. People who view
pornography, especially children, are psychologically and
spiritually damaged by the viewing.
Kevin Craig therefore supports and defends
policies that will
eliminate illegal hard-core pornography from the open market.
Americans must work vigorously to protect children from online
pornographic material. Children must be afforded safe access to
the world of useful and appropriate knowledge available through
Internet access in public schools and libraries, while at the same
time being adequately protected from harmful pornography and
contact by sexual predators.
While there are good arguments for attempting to protect
children from pornography using the strong-arm of the State, this
only adds violence to the social toxin of pornography. Pornography
must be eliminated using only the
powers of the Free Market.
next: AIDS