Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2006
Regulatory Reform: No Silver Bullet

The 109th Congress should

  • complete the economic deregulation agenda, .focus on substantive regulatory legislation, evaluate proposed regulations against a broad range of standards in addition to the benefit/cost standard,
  • broaden the guarantee of just compensation to all property owners who are mandated to provide a public benefit, and
  • approve an omnibus regulatory reform act and a congressional Office of Regulatory Analysis only if Congress reasserts its authority to approve all final rules.

Regulation: Government Intervention

  • The USDA is debating the proper size of holes in Swiss cheese
    WASHINGTON, DC -- Department of Agriculture bureaucrats are trying to decide how big the holes in Swiss cheese should be (no, that's not a joke) -- which proves once and for all that the Washington, DC bureaucracy is an "out-of-control ... (Read More)
  • Nutrition Summit this week is the beginning of a 'War on Fatty Foods'
    WASHINGTON, DC -- A National Nutrition Summit being held in Washington, DC this week could mark the beginning of an effort by the federal government to tax, regulate, or ban fatty foods like Twinkies, cheeseburgers, and ice cream, the Libertarian ... (Read More)
  • Are Americans too dumb to fry an egg? New egg warning label suggests we are
    WASHINGTON, DC -- A new federal plan to require a cigarette-style health warning on egg cartons -- that's right: egg cartons! -- proves that government bureaucrats think Americans are too dumb to boil an egg. And that's no yolk. "The ... (Read More)
  • Is this the silliest federal regulation ever? NHTSA mandates seatbelts on golf carts
    WASHINGTON, DC -- What's next: Airbags for zambonis? Seatbelts for steamrollers? That's what Libertarians are asking after the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced last week that it will start requiring seatbelts, windshields, turn signals, and rearview mirrors on ... (Read More)
  • Are sweepstakes contests really "deceptive"? Or do government lawyers just think we're dumb?
    WASHINGTON, DC -- Congratulations! You may already be a loser! That's the message the Libertarian Party wants to send to government lawyers who plan to prosecute Readers Digest over its popular sweepstakes -- and who apparently "think that Americans are ... (Read More)
  • Health official apologizes after kids' lemonade stand shut down - Sacramento Bee
We can all laugh at silly government regulations.
Until a government agent walks in your front door and tells you
A lien has been put on your house
Your wages are being garnished
Your business will have to close for 120 days
You will be fined $10,000 per day
You are going to be locked in prison with a sociopathic felon for one year.
All for violating an arbitrary government regulation that defies common sense and logic.

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a comprehensive source of regulatory studies, statistics, & information

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