Pat Robertson and the The Christian Coalition

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Pat Robertson is quite plausibly the best known of the Religious Right, through his abortive 1988 challenge to George Bush for the Republican Presidential nomination, and through his daily appearances on his television program - The 700 Club. Robertson survived his own political demise, and the demise of the original religious right, centered around Falwell's "Moral Majority". He retrenched, brought in Ralph Reed to head the Christian Coalition, which he founded in 1989, pioneered the stealth campaign, and now weilds more raw political power than any other leader of the new religious right.
Pat Robertson has often been the victim of his own intemperate statements, perhaps nowhere so evident as his 1991 book The New World Order, in which he espouses a highly conspiracist point of view, one that would be quite at home in many of the extremist fringes of the far right. By contrast, Ralph Reed, titular head of the Christian Coalition, has appeared considerably more moderate, reaching out to Catholics and mainstream Jews in his efforts to build a broad base of political power. Reed has masterminded the grassroots campaigning tactics, as well as the art of advocating extremism with moderate language, which have gained the Christian Coalition their present power base.
Americans United for Separation of Church And State
Church & State Magazine, September 1998, Christian Coalition Voter Guides: Threatening The Integrity Of The Church by the Reverend Kyle Childress
Church & State Magazine, September 1998, Robertson's Revenge: Gay Flag Flap Leads To Orlando Ban
Church & State Magazine, September 1998, The Christian Coalition: A Short History Of Pat's Political Machine
Church & State Magazine, July 1998, Robertson Caught In News Media Hurricane Over Orlando Forecast
Church & State Magazine, June 1998, Tainted Test Christian Coalition Congressional Scorecard Flunks Democrats, As Pat Robertson Gears Up For Elections In '98 And Beyond by Steve Benen
Church & State Magazine, May 1998, Render Unto Caesar TV Preacher Pat Robertson's Tax-Exempt Christian Broadcasting Network Penalized By IRS For Improper Politicking by Joseph L. Conn
Church & State Magazine, April 1998, Altar Call Christian Coalition's 'Families 2000' Project Seeks To Enroll 100,000 Churches In Pat Robertson's Partisan Political Machine by Joseph L. Conn
Church & State Magazine, February 1998, Leaner And Meaner? Trouble Plagued Christian Coalition Cuts Staff And Programs, Vows New Direction Toward Grassroots-Based Militancy by Joseph L. Conn
Church & State Magazine, July/August 1997, Double Trouble: TV Preacher Pat Robertson Names Two Republican Politicians To Lead A Drive To Double The Christian Coalition's Power by Joseph L. Conn
Church & State Magazine, June 1997, Ralph Reed And American Politics: Casting Shadows
Church & State Magazine, June 1997, Goodbye Mobutu, Hello Kabila Pat Robertson Abandons Former Ally In Zaire, Invites Rebel Revolutionary To U.S.
Church & State Magazine, June 1997, Taken For A Ride TV Preacher Pat Robertson Used Operation Blessing's Airplanes For Diamond Mining Operation In Zaire, Former Pilots Say by Bill Sizemore
Church & State Magazine, March 1997, Ralph Reed's War On Poverty: Hope or Hype?
- The Christian Coalition's 'Samaritan Project' Targets The Poor And Minorities, But Critics Say Repeal Of Church-State Separation Remains Top Goal.
Institute for First Amendment Studies
Freedom Writer, September 1998, "Pat Robertson's empire"
Freedom Writer, September 1998, "Religious right attorney disbarred"
Freedom Writer, March/April 1998, "Robertson pays IRS fine"
Freedom Writer, September/October 1997, "Robertson reproved"
Freedom Writer, July/August 1997, "Robertson advocates stoning"
Freedom Writer, July/August 1997, "Christian Coalition leader accused"
Freedom Writer, May/June 1997, "Reed resigns from Christian Coalition"
Freedom Writer, May/June 1997, "Robertson's record on civil rights and race"
Freedom Writer, May/June 1997, "The Samaritan Project: The Christian Coalition's minority outreach" by Matthew Freeman
Freedom Writer, January/February 1997, "Reed outlines Coalition agenda"
Freedom Writer, November/December 1996, "Coalition called to eliminate schools"
Freedom Writer, October 1996, "Road to Victory '96"
Freedom Writer, October 1996, "Response to FEC suit"
Freedom Writer, October 1996, "Robertson contradicts Hardman"
Freedom Writer, October 1996, "Christian Coalition adds to decline"
Freedom Writer, September 1996, "Reed's silence on gay issues bewilders friends and foes alike" by Mubarak S. Dahir
Freedom Writer, September 1996, "FEC files suit against Coalition" by Barbara A. Simon, Esq.
Freedom Writer, March 1996, "Texas precinct politics heats up", by Liz Gore
- An eye-opening (and chilling) insider's look at the political machinations the Christian Coalition uses to sway the Republican party in Texas.
Freedom Writer, March 1996, "New video targets Pat's gay-bashing", by Paula Xanthopoulou
Freedom Writer, January/February 1996, "Coalition's fiesta lures Hispanics", by Liz Gore
Freedom Writer, January/February 1996, "Pat Robertson's crystal ball", by Paula Xanthopoulou
Freedom Writer, January/February 1996, "Reed's frantic letter"
Freedom Writer, January/February 1996, "Robertson associate heads Dole's Iowa effort"
Freedom Writer, December 1995, "Road to Armageddon", by Skipp Porteous
- A good overview of the less well known pre-history of Pat Robertson (before he started the Christian Coalition.
Freedom Writer, December 1995, "Pat's postmodern Armageddon", by Edmund D. Cohen
Freedom Writer, December 1995, "Diamonds are Robertson's Best Friend", by Ju-lan Kim
- A look at some of the more worldly aspects of Pat Robertson's empire.
Freedom Writer, December 1995, "Christian Coalition's Catholic Front", by Jon Paone
Freedom Writer, December 1995, "Robertson on God's Love"
Freedom Writer, October 1995, "So much for 'casting a wider net'" by Barbara A. Simon, Esq.
- The Institute for First Amendment Studies reports on Pat Robertson's love-fest with the Republicans.
Freedom Writer, September 1995, "Friends of Pat"
- The Institute for First Amendment Studies reports on Pat Robertson's support for Zaire's president Mobutu, a particularly brutal and corrupt ruler.
Freedom Writer, October 1995, "Road to Victory '95" by Skipp Porteous
Freedom Writer, October 1995, "How the Christian Coalition uses the Internet"
Freedom Writer, June 1995, "Contract on the American Family"
- Report by The Institute for First Amendment Studies on the Christian Coalition's Contract with the American Family.
Freedom Writer,May 1995, "An Olive Branch with Thorns?"
- The Christian Coalition and the ADL.
Freedom Writer, May 1995, "Christian Coalition Live Update"
- Report by The Institute for First Amendment Studies on the Christian Coalition's monthly interactive meeting with its affiliates.
Freedom Writer, April 1995, "Changes at Robertson Empire"
- Report by The Institute for First Amendment Studies on changes within the Christian Broadcasting Network, owned and run by Pat Robertson.
Freedom Writer, April 1995, "Christian Coalition Live by Satellite"
- Report by The Institute for First Amendment Studies on the Christian Coalition's monthly interactive meeting with its affiliates.
Freedom Writer, March 1995, "Coalition Harbors Reconstructionists"
- Report by The Institute for First Amendment Studies on possible links between Christian Reconstructionism and Pat Robertson's empire.
Freedom Writer, March 1995, "FEC Investigating Christian Coalition"
- Report by The Institute for First Amendment Studies on the Federal Election Commission's investigation of Christian Coalition chapters in 35 states.
Freedom Writer, December 1994, "Christian Coalition Warns of Conspiracy "
- The Christian Coalition of Rensselaer County, New York espouses conspiracy theories previously advocated by The Spotlight, a publication of the Liberty Lobby.
Freedom Writer, November 1994, "Road to Victory"
- A report from the Christian Coalition's fourth annual Road to Victory conference and strategy briefing
Freedom Writer, November 1994, "Church Organization is Key to Coalition's Success"
- Analysis of The Christian Coalition's political strategies.
Freedom Writer, November 1994, "Terry Assails Christian Coalition"
- A report on divisions within the erstwhile monolithic Relgious Right - Randall Terry of Operation Rescue lambastes the Christian Coalition for "becoming the mistress of the Republican Party."
Freedom Writer, November 1994, "Coalition Fails on Home Turf"
Freedom Writer, January 1994, "New Coalition video aims to deceive; Robertson softens on abortion issue"
Freedom Writer, January 1994, "Coalition opens doors to public, but forgets the welcome mat"
Freedom Writer, August/September 1993, "Robertson, Porteous go 'Eye to Eye'"
Freedom Writer, January/February 1993, "Robertson's news service"
Freedom Writer, September/October 1992, "Road to Victory '92" by Frederick Clarkson and Joe Conason
Freedom Writer, May/June 1992, "Robertson wins bid for UPI" by Skipp Porteous
Freedom Writer, January/February 1992, "Inside the Christian Coalition" by Frederick Clarkson
Freedom Writer, November/December 1991, "Christian right is born again"
Freedom Writer, April/May/June 1990, "Robertson returns to politics"
The Atlantic Monthly, November 1995, "The Warring Visions of the Religious Right" by Harvey Cox
- A report on the political and policy agendas of The Christian Coalition, prepared jointly by The Interfaith Alliance Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
Official Christian Coalition Web Site
- Officially-sanctioned Christian Coalition website. Contains text of their publication, The Christian American, access to online polls conducted by the Christian Coalition, and more.
California Christian Coalition
Texas Christian Coalition
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
- The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), headed by Jay Sekulow, is Pat Robertson's "answer" to the ACLU, in response to what they perceive as anti-Christian or anti-religious bias exhibited by the ACLU. The ACLJ specializes in religious liberty cases such as school prayer, use of public facilities by sectarian organizations, and religious discrimination in the workplace. The ACLJ has also taken a strongly activist role in the anti-abortion movement. The ACLJ actively opposes equal rights for lesbians and gay men, primarily through punditry, talk show appearances, and amicus curiae briefs.
Christian American Magazine
Religious Rights Watch
- Published by the Christian Coalition's "wholly-owned subsidiary", The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Concentrates almost exclusively on legal issues affecting the Religious Right in their attempts to legislate their morality through their own brand of judicial activism.
The Christian Coalition's Congressional Scorecards
Web page for The 700 Club
- Access the text of 'fact' sheets produced by The 700 Club online. User registration required.
700 Club "fact sheet" on gay and lesbian marriage
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The Radical Religious Right pages | Greg R. Broderick - greg@qrd.org
Last Modified 2 November, 1998