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A Definition of Anarcho-Capitalism
The literature on anarcho-capitalism is surprisingly vast.
An annotated bibliography by Hans-Hermann Hoppe.
On-going Development/Discussion of Anarcho-Capitalist Theory
A search on Amazon.com produces only the following:
Freedom, Society, and the State : An Investigation into the Possibility of Society Without Government
by David Osterfeld
Du libâeralisme áa l'anarcho-capitalisme
by Pierre Lemieux
Anarkiets bibel
by Hans Jµger
Additional resources (from http://www.anarchism.net/resources.asp?Type=1 )
Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy and Politics America's Great Depression Defending The Undefendable Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature (and other essays) Escape From Leviathan Ethics of Liberty I Must Speak Out: Best of The Voluntaryist Law's Order: What Economics Has To Do with Law and Why It Matters |
Logic of Action Lysander Spooner Reader Making Economic Sense Man, Economy, and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles Our Enemy, the State Power & Market: Government and The Economy State Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice |
Nobel Prize-winning free-market economist F.A. Hayek was also a defender of what he called “spontaneous order.” See generally, his The Mirage of Social Justice, volume II of Law, Legislation, and Liberty, published by the University of Chicago Press, 1976. See also J. Birner, ed., Hayek: Co-Ordination and Evolution, 1994.
Unfortunately, Christians have not frequently spoken in defense of “anarchism.” One exception is Jacques Ellul, Professor of Law at the University of Bordeaux, France, in Anarchy and Christianity Grand Rapids: Eerdmans (1988).
Works by Murray Rothbard and Bruce Benson are particularly recommended.
Here is a bibliography of Books on Liberty from an anarcho-capitalist website which logically leads to anarcho-capitalism even though most of the authors were not themselves anarcho-capitalists:
Other articles:
The Myth of 'Limited Government'
Joseph Sobran on the State and Hans-Hermann Hoppe.
Born To Be a Paleolibertarian
Brad Edmonds on anarcho-capitalism and cultural conservatism.
More articles from Rockwell.com on anarcho-capitalism
It should be noted, however, that the purpose of our thesis is not to defend the proposition that national defense, utilities, or arbitration of disputes can be more efficiently handled by private agencies. These are pragmatic or utilitarian considerations. Our focus is more theological: whether abolition of the State is an ethically viable option from a Biblical perspective.
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