Are you an Environmentalist?

Your fearless leader is Maurice Strong, Chairman of the Earth Council, head of the Rio Summit, powerful U.N. figure.

Maurice Strong lives in wealth and luxury such as you will never even glimpse in your lifetime.

Maurice Strong enjoys corporate, industrial power such as you cannot even imagine.

Find out about more about your fearless leader by clicking on any of these links:

The Legacy of Maurice Strong

Your environmentalist leader would like to see you and a billion or so other human beings exterminated. You are not just a follower, but by your actions you are leading your friends and family. Where are you taking us?

Write to me at

Additional resources:

updated March 16, 2000

Ronald Baileys' important biographical article in Wm. F. Buckley's National Review.

The New American, Volume 11, Number 15, July 24, 1995, p.11

Fascinating Quotes on Property Rights

Fascinating Quotes on Environmentalism -- same quote as above in a different context.

Insider Report
Maurice Strong, the Canadian oil mogul who presided over the 1992 UN "Earth Summit," recently addressed the subject of a "global alliance for environmental security" during remarks to the Royal Institute for International Affairs at Chatham House in London.

The "Earth Charter" -- Maurice Strong works with Former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev

Maurice Strong, the globe-trotting industrialist best known for his role as Secretary-General of the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Brazil, has been awarded the UN's U Thant Peace Award for "his lifelong commitment to the soaring ideals of the United Nations." The award was named for U Thant, the Burmese Marxist who served as the UN's third Secretary-General and who, in 1970, brazenly declared: "Lenin was a man with a mind of great clarity and incisiveness.... [His] ideals of peace and peaceful coexistence among states have won widespread international acceptance and they are in line with the aims of the UN Charter." Thant proved that assertion by leading the UN in support of genocidal communist regimes and revolutionary movements throughout his term of office.

Strong's Influence at the Seattle World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial.

Strong's role in the Commission on Global Governance

G. Edward Griffin's comments on Strong in Creature from Jekyll Island.

Strong's "Earth Summit" agenda

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