Diane Alden: Don't Go Wobbly, George, in a House Divided
Dorian Ian Atherton: Amerika and Enemies of the State
Dave Barry: Waiting for Customer Service
Bruce Bartlett: Bush Stronger on Economy
Neal Boortz: Race and the Election
Linda Bowles: Dirty Gore
Brent Bozell: What About the Media Factor?
David Broder: Burying the Hatchet
Richard Brookhiser: Bush, Lazio Aren’t Perfect, but Look at the Alternatives
Dr. Michael S. Brown: New Anti-Gun Strategy Doomed to Fail
Art Buchwald: The Left Stuff
William F. Buckley: Clinton Loved Every Minute
Howie Carr: Election Countdown, With Beer
Steve Chapman: Leadership on Drug War
Mona Charen: Beauty of Electoral College
Linda Chavez: Greedy Race-Baiting Lawyers
Claremont Institute: 'Precepts': Gray Matter on Green Affairs
Hillary Clinton: What a Campaign
Alexander Cockburn: Nature's Mightiest Defender Passes
Ann Coulter: Just Go!
Greg Crosby: It Ain't Over
Lisa Dean: Clinton Has Changed the Culture
Maureen Dowd: Unelection Day
Steve Dunleavy: Don't Put Anything Past Team Al
Larry Elder: Poor Cher
Barry Farber: Networks Undercut Bush
Steve Farrell: Electoral College: A Check on Socialism
Dick Feagler: Logic Canceled Vigil
Don Feder: The Issues Were Never Discussed
Dan Frisa: Plaintiff Is Democrat Activist
Ellen Goodman: Hillary's Transformation
Col. David Hackworth: Wanted: A Defense Sec. Who Can Cut It
Argus Hamilton: His Daily Column: Hilarious Political Jokes
Zoh Hieronimus: Oil Crisis or Orchestrated Plunder?
Gerald L. Hibbs: Electorate Ordering Bill's Just Desserts
Dr. James Hirsen: Election Theft 101
David Horowitz: Recalls, Ripoffs, and New$ You Can U$e
David Horowitz - Right On!: Party of Fear, Politics of Hate
Arianna Huffington: Nothing Memorable, Lots to Forget
Reed Irvine: Biggest Flaw in Campaign Coverage
Molly Ivins: Lord Help Us
Gerard Jackson: Fed’s ‘Price Rule’ Will Cause Recession
Jeff Jacoby: Last Rites for Bay State GOP?
Thomas L. Jipping: Top Ten List From the Presidential Campaign Trail
Barrett Kalellis: What the Debates Really Meant
Brad Keena: Hands off the Electoral College
David Keene: West Virginia Wisdom
Michael Kelly: Democrats' Delusion
Ed Koch: U.N. Hypocritical on Israel
Morton Kondracke: Reach Across Party Divide
Tony Kornheiser: Redskins Need Visual Aids
Hilton Kramer: Rembrandt’s Venice Muses
Charles Krauthammer: Democracy and Legitimacy
Howard Kurtz: Election Aftermath Is Talk Bonanza
John LeBoutiller: Loser Will Be the Winner
John Leo: Press Is Stuck in Spin Cycle
Norman Liebmann: Bill Clinton Presents Armageddon

David Limbaugh: Al Gore’s Choice: Statesman or Sore Loser?
Col. Stanislav Lunev:
How Moscow Views the Election
Christopher Matthews:
Good Loving
Geoff Metcalf:
D.C. Ramblings
Robert McFarland:
Bush Comment Rouses the Media
Jim Mills:
Fan the Flames
Dick Morris:
Meaning of 'Hillary!'
Bill Murchison:
Lowered Tone of Discourse
Deroy Murdock:
Nader Comes to Harlem
Peggy Noonan:
Why Hillary Won
Oliver North:
Things Look Up for Military
Robert Novak:
Melancholy Winner
Thomas Oliphant:
The States to Watch
Page Six:
The Latest Gossip
Clarence Page:
Signing Off
John L. Perry:
Get a Grip, the Founders Did
Richard Poe:
Dispatch From Occupied New York
Lowell Ponte :
Totally De-Voted
Wesley Pruden:
Something Sinister in Palm Beach
William Raspberry:
A No-Win Situation
Charley Reese:
Abolish Government Education
Robert Paul Reyes:
Nader's Victory
Frank Rich:
George W's America
James Ridgeway:
Paul Craig Roberts:
No Justice
Lew Rockwell:
In Praise of Failure
Andy Rooney:
A Good Idea Is Hard to Find
A.M. Rosenthal:
Rush & Molloy:
Hollywood Ending for Bill?
William Safire:
New 'Long Count'
Debra J. Saunders :
Clinton's Humble Pie
Michael Savage: The Savage Nation:
Gore's Ten Crimes
Robert Scheer :
Beware of Bush
Phyllis Schlafly:
Hillary Is 'for the Children'?
Daniel Schorr:
President's Challenges
Jay Severin:
Who's Counting?
Mark Shields:
Texan Who Deserves a Thank-You
Roger Simon :
Gore's Waterloo
Sam Smith:
Daily UnderNews From Progressive Review
Tony Snow:
Election Lessons for Media
Joseph Sobran:
Electoral Mischief
Thomas Sowell:
Time to Talk Sense
Jacob Sullum :
General Confusion
The Myth of Sport
Humphrey Taylor:
Harris Poll: Down to the Wire
Marc Thiswell:
The 'Below the Beltline Boys'
Cal Thomas:
A Nation Divided
Notra Trulock:
The Road Back...
Balint Vazsonyi:
Shifting Focus
Jude Wanniski :
Scientific Polling? Scientific?
Phillip Weiss:
W. Puts Hand on the Bobble
Paul Weyrich:
Wait for Absentee Votes is Senseless
George Will:
The System Worked
Walter Williams:
Does Blue Hair Equal Special Rights?
Jim Wright:
Don't Neglect the Privilege
Sidney Zion:
Did Mama Lieberman Vote for Pat?

Samuel Blumenfeld
David Bresnahan
Harry Browne
Elizabeth Farah
David Kupelian
Sarah J. McCarthy
Joel Miller
Judith Reisman
Diane Alden: max
Michael Allen am-part
Jonathan Alter: 404
Larry P. Arnn: claremont
Michael Barone jwr
Dave Barry: sacbee
Bruce Bartlett: max
Dick Boland: max
James Bovard Spectator
Linda Bowles: max
Brent Bozell: max
Peter Brimelow forbes
David Broder: wp
Dr. Michael S. Brown: max
Art Buchwald: 404
William F. Buckley: sacbee
Howie Carr: bost her
Jack Cashill self
Cartoon Showcase jwr
Steve Chapman: max
Mona Charen: max
Mona Charen jwr
Linda Chavez: max
Linda Chavez jwr
Hillary Clinton: max
Alexander Cockburn: max
Consumer Reports jwr


Chuck Baldwin
Jane Chastain
Jon Dougherty
Judy Lowe
Geoff Metcalf
Nat Hentoff (Syndicated)
Larry King
J.R. Nyquist
David Corn jwr
Ann Coulter: uexpress
Ann Coulter: jwr
Greg Crosby jwr
Blanquita Cullum: self
Lisa Dean: max
R. Bruce Dold: chiTrib
Steve Dunleavy: nypost
Larry Elder: max
Larry Elder jwr
Barry Farber max
Steve Farrell: max
Dick Feagler: cleve
Don Feder: max
Don Feder jwr
Don Feder jwr-f
Samuel Francis townhall
James Freeman townhall
Suzanne Fields jwr
James Glassman townhall
Ian Goddard journal
Ellen Goodman: 404
James Grant self
Bob Greene jwr
Paul Greenberg jwr
Col. David Hackworth: max


Linda Bowles
Lenora Fulani
David Hackworth
David Limbaugh
Ken Hamblin: max
Argus Hamilton: self
Betsy Hart jwr
Nat Hentoff jwr
Nat Hentoff jwr
Gerald L. Hibbs: max
Zoh Hieronimus: max
Dr. James Hirsen: max
David Horowitz jwr
David Horowitz jwr
D Hrwtz FightBack!: max
David Horowitz: frntpg
Arianna Huffington: self
Arianna Huffington jwr
Molly Ivins: max]
Gerard Jackson: old
Jeff Jacoby: 404
Jeff Jacoby jwr
Marianne Jennings jwr
Thomas L. Jipping: max
JWR World Editorial toon
Barrett Kalellis: max
Brad Keena: cultdissid
Michael Kelly jwr
James J. Kilpatrick uexpress
Ed Koch:


Jon Dougherty
Maralyn Lois Polak
Rip Rense
Charles Smith
Jude Wanniski
Walter Williams
Germond & Witcover
Nat Hentoff (Village Voice)
Terry Mattingly
Michael Kelly WP
Dennis Byrne
Morton Kondracke: rollcall
Mort Kondracke jwr
Tony Kornheiser: max
Hilton Kramer: observr
Charles Krauthammer: wp
Ch. Krauthammer jwr
Lawrence Kudlow jwr
Howard Kurtz: wpindex
John LeBoutiller
John Leo jwr
Norman Liebmann: max
Carl Limbacher max
David Limbaugh: max
David Limbaugh max
David Limbaugh jwr
Col. Stanislav Lunev: max
Michelle Malkin jwr
Mallard Fillmore jwr
Jackie Mason jwr
Chris Matthews: sfgate
Chris Matthews jwr
Michael Medved jwr
David G. Morris: max
Dick Morris: (1)


Craige McMillan
Tanya K. Metaksa
J.R. Nyquist
R. Cort Kirkwood
George Will
Llewellyn Rockwell Jr.
Bill Murchison: max
Deroy Murdock: max
Steve Myers: exegesis
Newswatch jwr
Peggy Noonan opin.jour
Oliver North: max
Robert Novak: max
Bob Novak suntimes
Thomas Oliphant: globe404
Camille Paglia solon
Page Six: nypost  
Clarence Page: chiTrib
Kathleen Parker jwr
Ron Paul gov
John L. Perry: max
Wesley Phelan: max
James Pinkerton: newsday
Richard Poe: max
Richard Poe max
Lowell Ponte: fntpg
Wesley Pruden: washT
Wes Pruden jwr
Justin Raimondo antiwar
Fred Reed self
Charley Reese orSent
Robert Paul Reyes:
Frank Rich: nyt404


Alan W. Bock
John N. Doggett
Gertz and Scarborough
Stuart Goldman
David Limbaugh
Leah Garchik
William Raspberry
Dave Barry
James Ridgeway: vilvce search
Paul Craig Roberts: max
Christopher Ruddy self
William Safire: nyt
Debra J. Saunders: max
Michael Savage max
Robert Scheer: max
Robert Scheer max
Phyllis Schlafly: self
Dr. Laura Schlessinger: uexpress
Dr. Laura jwr
Debbie Schlussel jwr
Sam Schulman jwr
Jay Severin: msnbc
Mark Shields: max
Frank Shostak (pdf)
Mike Siegel max
Roger Simon: max
Roger Simon jwr
Tony Snow: max
Tony Snow jwr
Joseph Sobran: self
Joseph Sobran uexpress
Norman Solomon: max
Thomas Sowell: max
Thomas Sowell jwr


Jon Dougherty
Bob Evans
Jerry Falwell
Alan Keyes
Larry Klayman
Joseph Stromberg antiwar
Jacob Sullum: max
Vin Suprynowicz
George Szamuely antiwar
Taki nypress
Humphrey Taylor: max
Cal Thomas jwr
Marc Thiswell: max
Jonathan S. Tobin jwr
R. Emmett Tyrrell
Joe Uliana: max
Balint Vazsonyi:
Jude Wanniski : self
Ben Wattenberg jwr
Lionel Waxman self
Phillip Weiss:
Paul Weyrich: max
George Will:
George Will jwr
Bruce Williams jwr
Walter Williams: max
Walter Williams jwr
Walter Williams wnd
Jim Wright:
Cathy Young jwr
Sidney Zion: (1)
Mort Zuckerman jwr