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"The Mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains,
And each of them shall sit under his
Vine and under his fig tree
With no one to make them afraid."
Micah 4:1,4
No more let sins and sorrows grow
Nor thorns invest the ground.
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.— Isaac Watts
Christmas is filled with symbols of the
Garden: "The Holly and the Ivy" prompts us to think of a world freed from the curse of the First Adam; freed by the Second Adam who gives us access to the Christmas Tree of Life. As the institutional church neglects these themes, they are picked up by "New Age" and pagan groups. Man's need for Edenic restoration is archetypal, and cannot be evaded. |
And so it is
written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening
spirit. {47} The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from
heaven. Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the
right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. |
If "the Family Christmas" is a dying holiday, it is because the Family is a dying institution. The Family is part of an older way of life. Adam and Eve were commanded to "be fruitful and multiply," and to "till the garden." In our day many would have us believe that the institutions of both marriage and agriculture can be disposed of. Both children and food can be created in laboratories by the State and its medical/agribusiness experts. The 20th century has repudiated "the old ways" and embraced "modernism." I spent nine years in the Catholic Worker movement because I believe in the "old ways." Co-founder Peter Maurin questioned the worship of the creature instead of the Creator, and warned of the urge to mass destruction which logically follows.
Regard for the Soil
Up to Catholics
Some people hoped the "Millennium Bug" would impose The Christmas Conspiracy in the twinkling of an eye, without any effort on our part. Had the lights gone out, a docile American public would have gladly complied with government-imposed martial law, and we would have seen the final destruction of the Family and the Old Paths. We must desire and work for The Christmas Conspiracy. | Thus saith the LORD: "Stand ye in the ways and see, And ask
for the old paths, where the good way is, And walk in it; Then
you will find rest for your souls. |
There are two accounts of the Creation and Purpose of Man competing for your loyalty. The first says a loving, personal God created Man and placed him in a beautiful Garden. The second says that man is the random mutation of genetic material, emerging without purpose and without meaning from a "primordial soup" of chemicals and energy.
Several centuries ago, the first account (personal creation) was generally believed. It was never "proven" wrong, but the new story (impersonal evolution) had certain advantages. In the first account, the Creator gave man certain duties to obey, responsibilities to bear. He had to work in the Garden; he had to pay due respect to the Creator; he had to love his wife and protect her. In the new story, man gets to kill anyone who gets in his way ("survival of the fittest") and there is no God to tell man he can't lie, steal, or take sexual control over others. A lot of people like the benefits of this new story.
This new story has led to the destruction of the home as a place of security where love and service are learned, and has fostered the murder of over 200 million people in the 20th century alone. Evolutionism has proven to be only a way of death, not new life; it has given us a militaristic socialist state, but not "national security."
But have been told that the old view is not "scientific," and despite the social destruction engendered by the new story, we still believe that this is the only "realistic" way to live life.
The original Garden had the following characteristics.
- Fellowship in the Presence of God
- Springing forth like rivers of water
- Flowing from a mountain plateau
- Producing abundant vegetation
- Decorated with precious jewels
The Life of Man was characterized by the following:
- A Mandate to Exercise Dominion
- over a Fruitful Garden
- gaining Knowledge
- in Harmony with Nature
- enjoying the Freedom to Glorify God
- in a Family-centered life
- lasting many healthy years
- as Stewards over the creation
- Planted Securely on the Land.
All of the beauty and promise of the Garden were not enough, however. Nor is it today. We want what the Tempter promised: "To be as gods" (Genesis 3:5). No matter what is promised in return, it is difficult for us to submit; to admit that our Creator is the Potter and we are His vessels; that God is our Sovereign-Lord and we are His vassals. When it comes to worship, "it is better to receive than it is to give," we believe. When man determined to be his own god, to "know good and evil" as the Ultimate Arbiter of right and wrong,[1] to rely on his own mind and power instead of God, he reversed the shalom-order of the earth, and in place of Blessing, man received Cursing:
Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou ear of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; in the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return. (Genesis 3:17-19)
From agricultural surplus and Blessing to scarcity and Cursing.
From harmony and synergism to conflict and competition.
In general, each of the characteristic Blessings of the Garden and of Man's Life in the Garden are reversed as man rebels against the Lordship of the Creator. We see the anti-parallels:
Instead of water | Thirst |
Instead of the Mountain of the Lord | a desert Valley |
Instead of the Botanical Garden | a Wilderness |
Instead of Precious Stones | Clay, wood, stubble, asphalt |
Instead of God's Presence | Separation, "Hell on earth," alienation |
The Life and Nature of Man are also ruined by Man's rebellion
Instead of Dominion Man | Neanderthal Man |
Instead of a Garden | "The Concrete Jungle" |
Instead of Knowledge | Mythology |
Instead of Harmony with Nature | Conflict, Pollution |
Instead of Freedom to Enjoy and Glorify God | Economic Scarcity |
Instead of The Family | "Singles," "Careerism " |
Instead of Long life-spans | Sickness, Death |
Instead of Unmolested stewardship over land | Serfdom, slavery |
Instead of Stability | Wandering, Unpredictability |
The beautiful and pleasant provisions God had supplied man in the Garden were rejected. Man decided God's provision was inadequate.[3] God had clothed man in His own Glory, but man wanted to clothe himself in robes of his own glory and power (Genesis 3:7; Romans 3:23). In his rebellion, man twisted, marred, perverted, and disfigured his glorious image. The earth, over which man was placed, and which was to be groomed into God's Garden-Temple, became a wilderness of thorns, thistles, sweat, pollution, and death (Genesis 3:17-19; Isaiah 24:1-6; Romans 5:12). Man was banished from the Garden, and this naked nomad was forbidden again to enter it (Genesis 3:24).
But God's dealings with man do not stop here. God promises salvation to man.
Quite a few people seem to want it; some of them claim to have it. Those who don't want it probably know more about what it is than many who claim to have it.
Webster (1828 edition) limited the definition to, "The redemption of man from the bondage of sin and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him everlasting happiness." Ask the average churchman from what it is that Jesus came to save His People (cf. Matthew 1:21). The most likely answer: "from hell." There are two problems with this definition of "salvation" as "going to heaven with I die."
First, Matthew 1:21 does not say that Jesus came to save His people from hell.
And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.
If I constantly commit adultery, or just can't seem to stop shoplifting, what does it mean to say that I can be "saved from my sins?" Does that mean I get to go to heaven when I die, but have to spend the rest of my life unable to experience true happiness because of the destruction in my own life and that of my family caused by my sins? How many families experience "hell on earth" because of the drunkenness, infidelity, domestic abuse, and financial anguish caused by "addictions" to drugs, sex, shopping, and power? Must this continue till we die? Why keep on living? Let's all go to heaven NOW!! This is wrong. There is an answer.
Second, the Hebrew word we translate "salvation" means much more than many realize. Strong's Concordance (#3444) tells us that "salvation" contains the thought of victory, prosperity, health, and welfare.[4] We almost get the impression that "salvation" has something to do with this present world!
Such is indeed the case. When we engage in "Biblical Theology" (studying God's progressive revelation of salvation from Genesis to Revelation) we find that the Bible builds on the foundations laid in Genesis. In particular, the themes set forth in the Garden of Eden are returned to again and again by later writers. In this essay, we will set forth these themes, and show very briefly how the prophets and the New Testament writers amplified them. We will find that the Garden is a central theme in the Bible. Salvation, in Biblical terms, means the restoration of God's Image-bearers to our original purpose[5] and the entire planet to Eden-like conditions.[6]
Let's consider that statement for a moment: "The Garden is a central theme in the Bible." That sounds fairly preposterous at first. One theologian has written a book entitled Major Bible Themes. It contains such themes as "The Trinity," "The Holy Spirit," "The Covenants," "The Angels," "The Church," and "The Second Coming." This will surprise you: no "Gardens." How many times do you think the word "Eden" or "Garden" occurs in the Bible? More important, how often would you guess the concept of the Garden is found in Scripture? How about allusions to Edenic life which we as industrialized urban dwellers do not even pick up.[7] Let it be clear: this Essay on Salvation as a Garden does not seek to be a collection of trivia, like the interesting but useless facts found in the middle of the big family Bible. The Garden is a central Bible theme placed there by the Holy Spirit to help us understand God's Covenant, His Law, the Kingdom, and the Blessings of His Salvation.
Why did God create man? What was he created to do? One aspect of the answer is in Genesis 1:26-28: "To be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Man was created "in the image of God" in order to accomplish this tremendous task. And as he is working, man, the Image and Likeness of the Creator, can have friendship with this same Creator, enjoying His Presence.
Man is therefore not a cosmic fluke, a random collection of chemicals. He is created by God in His image, and given the task of dominion. He is a steward, entrusted with the entire planet and all the life therein. Man is to be over the creation under God.
This is an extremely important concept. The homeless, oppressed and depressed people of our land need to hear this. They do not care when an evangelist tells them that they need to be "saved" or even that they can be "saved;" they do not believe that they are worth saving. The State schools have taught them that they are mere animals; the accidental mutated descendants of primordial sludge.[8]
The human being is a beautiful and glorious being. And his task is no mere make-work job. Man was created in a Garden, with the basic command to dress, cultivate, and guard the land (Genesis 2:15). Meaningful work was given to man in the pre-Fall Garden of Eden (Cult: Genesis 1:26; Culture: Genesis 1:28; 2:12; 2:19); food was plentiful but required harvesting (Cultivation: Genesis 1:29; 2:5; 2:9; 2:15; 2:16). He is to have dominion over the whole earth. Adam and Eve and their children were to extend the blessings of the Garden over the entire globe.
The Prophet Micah spoke to a nation that was about ready to experience total fragmentation because they believed the second story. But he brought "Good News." God would bring salvation to man, if man would admit that God is God, and Man is not.
The Mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be Established as the Chief of the mountains
And each of them will sit under his Vine and under his Fig Tree
With no one to make them afraid
Micah 4:1,4
Our all-controlling God can turn even our rebellion into His Glory.
Adam sold his descendants (and his environment) to the slave-traders of the Dark. Satan thought to rob man of his God-given destiny, but God promises to buy us back, so that we may become His slaves, in this way to deliver (save) man from Satan's machinations. On the day that God pronounced judgment upon man and the earth, He pronounced a greater judgment upon the Serpent, declaring that the Coming Redeemer would crush him (Genesis 3:15). In the first Essays in this Series we have seen how this Redemption unfolds into Cosmic Reconciliation.
Micah speaks of "the last days." He means the final days of the Old Covenant, during which a New Covenant was made. This theme is so important, and so neglected by most Christians today, that we devote an entire page to this concept. We see that "the Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). But if we study the Edenic narrative we discover much more. Christ came as the Second Adam, in order to undo the damage brought about by the first Adam (I Corinthians 15:22,45; Romans 5:15-19). God had breathed into Adam the breath ( = Spirit) of Life, but Adam's rebellion brought death into the world. In Salvation, Christ again breathes into His People the Spirit of Life (John 20:22) — Eternal Life — which sets us free from the curse of sin and death (Romans 8:2), and which will ultimately result in the restoration of the entire creation (Romans 8:19-21). In Christ we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), because we have been re-created in God's image (Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10), and clothed again with the Glory of God (Genesis 3:10-11; 2 Chronicles 6:41; Psalm 132:9,16; 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 61:10; 2 Corinthians 5:3; Revelation 3:18; 16:15; Romans 8:29-30; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 3:20-21). And this time, the Image of God is secure, because our standing is in Christ Who can never fall. In Him we have Life Eternal.
The Second Archetype is universality. We see that the scope of the spread of the Gospel is world-wide; in the Second Adam all nations will be Blessed. To understand the progress of God's people, however, it is necessary to understand the terms of the Covenant in which they operate. The terms of the Covenant are spelled out in God's Word, where the requirements of Covenant citizenship are spelled out (His Law) along with the promises of God, which are promises of "Garden-Blessing" for obedience, and promises of "Wilderness-Cursing" for disobedience. The Second Adam, through the Holy Spirit, re-creates us. As a new creature in Christ, Redeemed man can again turn to God's purpose and mandate without fear of condemnation. The Holy Spirit empowers him in his Great Commission to cover the earth with the blessings of the Garden.
The Third Archetype shows us how Christ the King returns us to God's Law and commissions us to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20 + Matthew 5:17-20). This commission forces us to inquire as to the character of Covenant Law as a blueprint for the reconstruction of a fallen world. A study of God's Law shows that it directs us toward the Garden, and rewards us with the Garden.
In The Hebrew Republic, E.C. Wines details the agrarian character of Hebrew law. Available online at the Contra Mundum site. |
In Ways We Can See: The Garden in the Principles of Covenant Obedience Anyone who reads the Statutes of the Older Testament can see that the most compelling feature of Biblical Law and its place in Christian redemption is the required movement away from exploitative commercial industrialism and toward personal service in an agrarian context. Even the unbelieving "experts" in the universities and seminaries see this, and they ridicule the Bible as "backward," "primitive," and "mythological." The Law of God, in its condemnation of interest, fractional reserve banking, militaristic arms buildups, and shoddy workmanship, would, if followed, drive us "Back to the Land!" Urban theologians, with their salaries tied to the militaristic State universities and their investments in industrialism, are appalled that anyone would suggest we obey Biblical Law in the 20th century. Further, Biblical guidelines concerning rest, contentment, and its commands to honor the family, care for the poor, and work with our hands, work to create a personalist, communitarian society, free of statist credentials and tenure.
In the Fourth Archetype we see how the "Survival of the Fittest" mentality is forthrightly condemned in Biblical Law, especially as it finds itself manifested in manipulative commerce (whch the Bible describes as "violence") and militaristic industrialism — "the garrison state." Our passage from Micah is only one of many which speaks of our converting our "swords into plowshares." The Bible very clearly holds out the ideal of a life of peace, service toward others, and harmony with nature. We are to work with our hands to give to the weak (Ephesians 4:28). Evolutionists, defending the modern world of chaos and competition, and "progress" only for the powerful, have attacked the Bible as being "primitive" precisely because it does not agree with this modern spirit.
The Fifth Archeype is the Family. The Bible asserts the Centrality of the Family; its ability to help others grow and realize their potential as God's Image-bearers. Obedience to God's Word would bring decentralization and end domination by "Big Brother" (or, increasingly, "Big Mother").
Tragically, a rigorously Biblical, distinctively Christ-like world-and-life view is not making its presence felt in our day because many Christians have attempted to dispute the evolutionists' assessment of the Scriptures. Believing the "gospel" of Empire's evangelists, but still defending the Bible, wanting the Bible to appear "relevant," "up-to-date," "scientific," and in harmony with our "modern" world[9], they assure the evolutionists that the Bible really does "have all the answers," i.e., can show us how to live prosperously in an exploitative, industrialist Empire.
But we must agree with the Universities of Empire in this respect: The Bible does in
fact have an agrarian, Garden mentality, not a commercial-empire mentality. The Bible does
indeed stand opposed to impersonal, cheap industrialism and the modern merchandizing
spirit. But we defend this "primitive" perspective; we yearn for the day of the
"Vine & Fig Tree."
The unrestrained lust for material "advancement" at the expense of the
development of the Image of God in others is anti-Christian.
Call it "primitive" and "anti-progress."
Call it "unscientific." it "salvation" in the face of a violent, selfish world
hurtling toward mass self-destruction. Even more than the "Bible-believers," Vine & Fig Tree believes the Bible is the
Obedience to God's Covenant Law will put us in a Garden.
Disobedience is the mark of Cain, who seeks to build a city-fortress away from God and His
In Ways We Can't See: The Garden as Motivating Force Some have disputed our claim that God's Law requires a return to the land. Gary North argues that God's Law requires the building of cities, with God's people functioning as middlemen, who rent the land out to the gardeners/campesinos. We hope to have links to further discussions of this topic.
North believes that the required temple feasts made agrarianism difficult, but this assumes that scarcity and economic precarity would motivate Israelites to stay close to the city (the centralized feast location). But attached to God's Covenant are promises that are intended to motivate the believer to obey God's Laws by mitigating this economic incentive to live in cities and rent the land out. God promises His Blessings upon obedience, and His Cursings upon disobedience.[10]
As if it were not enough that the Law itself (with its prohibition on militarism and fractional reserve banking) forces us to move back toward Edenic life and away from the City of Cain, if we are obedient to God's Law we will be rewarded with Edenic culture! Even if our conclusions as to the agrarian stipulations of Biblical Law are mistaken, the agrarian sanctions attached to the Law to motivate us are clear: God's Blessings toward the obedient are the Blessings of the Garden. Conversely, if we are disobedient, God explicitly promises the Cursings of wilderness conditions, and captivity in the City of Babylon, the anti-Garden.
In order to keep the size of this essay manageable, we shall simply refer the reader to two parallel sections of Scripture. These chapters contain the Blessings and Cursings of the Covenant. If the reader will simply read them, it will become evident that agricultural prosperity is inescapable; it will "overtake" the obedient. The elimination of such peaceful conditions is the Curse of disobedience. All of this is very clearly stated in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. Take a moment now and read these two important chapters. Think about them carefully, keeping in mind their pivotal place in the scheme of Covenant Law, and ask yourself whether God moves His people toward the Garden or toward the City of Man.
1. Set thee on high above all peoples of the earth.
2. Blessed in the city (v. 3)
3. Blessed in the fields (v. 3)
4. Blessed children (v. 4)
5. Blessed crops (v. 4)
6. Blessed livestock (v. 4)
7. Blessed granaries (v. 5)
8. Blessed bakeries (v. 5)
9. Successful business (v. 6)
10. Peaceful International relations (v. 7)
11. Abundance in the barns (v. 8)
12. Success in every activity (v. 8)
13. Enemies at peace with us (v. 10)
14. Abundant goods (v. 11)
15. Abundant children (v. 11)
16. Abundant cattle (v. 11)
17. Lots to eat (v. 11)
18. His good treasure (v. 12)
19. Adequate rain (v. 12)
20. Business success (v. 12)
21. Debts paid (v. 12)
22. Investments (v. 12)
23. Respect (v. 13)
That these chapters are to be taken literally — very literally — is seen in the fact that throughout the history of redemption, these chapters have very literally come to pass, most notably upon Israel. As we survey the history of God's work on Earth, we see movement toward Eden in times of God's Grace and Blessing, and movement toward the wilderness in times of God's testing and judgment. In our day we can expect the same. Rebellion brings these curses and takes man farther away from the conditions he first experienced in the Garden of Eden. Conversely, obedience brings man closer to Eden.
In a very real sense, (increasingly so as the Gospel covers the world) God has always put His People in "the Garden." For example, the land of Egypt is described in Genesis 13:10 as being "like the Garden of the LORD" — and when the Covenant People went there to live, they were given the area of Goshen, which was the best in all Egypt (Genesis 45:18; 47:5-6,11,27). In this Edenic condition they were fruitful and multiplied (Exodus 1:7, the same expression as in God's command to the first couple in the Garden). The Promised land is described as a land where much of the curse has been reversed: it was "as the Garden of Eden" (Joel 2:3) and "flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8), as we might expect.
When the Old Testament prophets foretold the coming of the Christ and the blessings He would bring, they often spoke in the language of Edenic restoration. Isaiah wrote:
For the LORD shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places; and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the Garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody (Isaiah 51:3).
Ezekiel spoke in the same way:
Thus saith the Lord GOD: In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the Garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited (Ezekiel 36:33-35).
When the evangelist told you "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life" you didn't think he meant this, did you! You may think that this outlook — this Vine & Fig Tree vision — is different. It may be. The question is, is it Scriptural? Is this what the prophets and other writers of Scripture had in mind (2 Peter 1:21)? Does Biblical Salvation really have anything to do with a Garden, much less the return of the entire planet to Edenic conditions?
This brief survey may not have convinced you that the Garden is a central theme of the Biblical doctrine of Salvation. That is understandable. The theologians have surely not emphasized it. The TV preachers don't preach this Gospel. But there are many important themes in the Bible that have been neglected by the churchmen. We have already seen five of them in the first five archetypes in the Vine & Fig Tree series of seven:
The Kingship of Christ,
The Predestined Prosperity of the Gospel,
The Blessedness of Biblical Law,
The Centrality of the Family,
and what we called
by which we referred to the requirement of peace and decentralization achieved through the Application of God's Word to the Political and Economic Affairs of Man. Each one an important theme. Each one ignored. Not an impressive record.
What follows is frosting on the cake: a survey of how Edenic themes and the concept of Edenic restoration show themselves in the Scriptures. Your insights are greatly desired and we hope you'll share them with us even as we are now sharing with you.
"I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you
must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more
blessed to give than to receive.'"
Acts 20:35 [return to text]
(1) This is the real meaning of the phrase "to know good and evil" (Genesis 3:5). The force of the Hebrew is "to determine for yourself what constitutes good and what constitutes evil." [Kuiper]
(2) When I first wrote this essay twenty years ago, I included bibliographic references to Rushdoony, Politics of Guilt and Pity, Reik, Masochism in Modern Man, Author? The Urge to Mass Destruction, etc. These works were striking admissions of the end-result of Humanism. But today, such nihilistic titles are in such abundance — and seen so frequently in mega-death rock 'n' roll groups — that there is little in us that can be shocked.
A previous generation knew these things were sinful and wrong, and a measure of consolation could be obtained by trusting in God to bring repentance in the life of the adulterer, abuser, or alcoholic, even if repentance never came. Moral standards give hope. But today we have lost touch with God's standard of holiness, and "dysfunctional" behavior is assumed to be normal, and is sometimes protected by law as an "alternative life style." Many people today live their entire lives engulfed in a sense of meaninglesness and moral confusion. This weakened state leaves them vulnerable prey for the politically powerful. [return to text]
The Bible promises more than heaven. In fact the Bible says very little about heaven, and far more about being "saved from our sins" in this life. These promises are summed up in the term "sanctification." Find out more [return to text]
(3) But it's not like we sacrifice something we value when we agree to worship an idol. The Garden, prosperity, health, and wholeness are beautiful only to the one who loves the Creator. The one who rejects God has already brainwashed himself into believing that God's gifts are worthless and undesirable; he has already heard the call of the propagandists to reject the peace and purity of the Garden and pursue the tinsel- and glitter-wrapped violence and filth of the Empire (Luke 4:5-6).
(4) It also conveys the thought of being returned to the land and placed in a wide, open space. Exodus 3:8; Judges 18:10; 2 Samuel 22:20,37; 1 Chronicles 4:40; Nehemiah 9:35; Psalm 18:19,36; 31:8; 118:5; 119:45; Isaiah 30:23; 54:2; Hosea 4:16.
(5) Our "Dominion Mandate" is sometimes called "the Cultural Mandate" to signify its comprehensive scope and to distinguish a Godly stewardship from an unGodly domination of the creation. It is found in Genesis 1:26-28
Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." {27} So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. {28} Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
(6) Since we have published this essay in the Internet, it is obvious that we are not utterly anti-technology. The "restoration of Edenic conditions" of which we speak means a restoration of fundamental ethical values and relationships, and progress in terms of those values. This will result in an environment which is verdant and pollution-free, and will radically alter technology and industrialization as we know it, to be sure, but our position is not simply Luddite-ism.
(7) in our very superficial study of the Scriptures
(8) What a surprise. Who would have thought that the Empire of Secular Humanism would have an interest in creating an atomistic sand-heap of depersonalized subjects existing without meaning, masses which are easier to control by the State, which attempts to predestine them as cannon-fodder for the Empire.
(9) a world of unparalleled violence and materialism.
(10) This is an extremely important concept, basic to a Christian philosophy of history and law. It is discussed throughout the writings of the Christian Reconstructionists. For an overview, see "The Promises of Law," in R.J.Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law, Nutley, NJ: The Craig Press, 1973, pp. 651-669.
On gender-neutral language:
I read old books more than new books. I am used to the word "man" being used in
a generic sense. I often distinguish between "man and animal," and refer back to
"the Fall of Man." Dorothy Day didn't buy gender-neutral language ("When I
say 'man' I mean 'human being.') and neither did my Aunt Doris. I've never heard any
convincing arguments for gender-neutral language from any woman of their stature, so I
will continue to use the old forms. If you are offended by this older usage, and demand
the styles accepted by our modern world, you probably won't be reading this page anyway,
for reasons other than the pronouns.
[back to text]