To Our Readers at the Beginning of Our Fifteenth Year" DOC #155 Summary:
Outlines P. Maurin's program for social action as the instituting of Houses of
Hospitality, Clarification of Thought and Farming Communes, and explains where the C.W.
has gone with each program. Reveals Maurin's sources of thought and the need to find lay
apostolates. Traces personal sacrifices to Jesus' command in the gospels and asserts that
the state cannot take over this duty. |
Pilgrimage - May 1946" DOC #424 Summary: Reaffirms doing the works of mercy--"It is our program, our rule of
life."--and voluntary poverty. Asks us to "consider our daily occupation in the
light of a work of mercy." Recommends The Snake Pit, a book about conditions
in mental hospitals. Extols gardening. |
Fall Appeal" DOC #242 Summary: An appeal for financial help and a
restatement of the Catholic Worker belief in personal responsibility for the poor over
State responsibility. |
Appeal to Women" DOC #153 Summary: Encourages the
"personal" application of Christian principles. Gives practical approaches to
this task and advocates "the little way." |
We Failed Peter Maurin's Program?" DOC #236 Summary: Reflects on
the ways they have failed Peter Maurin's vision and concludes " About all the above
failures, I must say that I am not much concerned. I think that such failures are
inseparable to a work of this kind, and necessary for our growth in holiness."
Stresses trying to put ideas into action, more clarification of thought, continuing this
"tiny work." |
On Hospices" DOC #183 Summary: Describes how Catholic Worker
houses are run and the struggles with living the ideal of Christian love. Reflects on
reconciling freedom and order. Maintains the primarcy of the spiritual. Gives her
positions on cooperation, house leadership, handling money, and the relation of the
Catholic Worker to the hierarchy. Concludes by emphasizing the little way and voluntary
poverty. |
and Purposes" DOC #182 Summary: Restates the central vision of
the Catholic Worker Movement as working for "a new heaven and a new earth,
wherein justice dwelleth." This vision recognizes the "primacy of the
spritual" and the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ. The Catholic Worker is
"a new way of life" involving Houses of Hospitality for the daily practice of
the Works of Mercy and Farming Communes where each person
can take responsibility of doing their part. |
Worker Celebrates 3rd Birthday; A Restatement of C. W. Aims and Ideals"
DOC #300 Summary: Restatement of core Catholic Worker ideals regarding private
property, class war, interracial relations, atheism, Marxism, fascism, Communism,
materialism, and the role of the state. |
Visitors Mark Past Month" DOC #333 Summary: Another appeal has
gone out entrusting their needs to St. Joseph. Notes how busy everyone is at the office,
on the breadline, and on the farm. (Someone had noted the hordes of young men around the
CW and wondered what they do.) Mentions that public works such as bridge building can be
considered works of mercy. |
Maurin 1877-1977" DOC #256 Summary: Recounts her first meeting
with Peter Maurin in 1932, his teaching style, his personal example, and his platform for
the Catholic Worker: "Roundtable Discussions, Houses of Hospitality and Farming
Communes--those were the three planks in Peter Maurin's platform." |
Without Tears" DOC #230 Summary: Reviews several books on
voluntary poverty, especially Poverty by Fr. Regamey. Elaborates on the joy of,
objections to, and purpose of voluntary poverty. Rejects capitalist and communist
solutions to real poverty, pointing to decentralization and distributism as the answer. |
Go On Record: CW Refuses Tax Exemption" DOC #191 Summary:
Explains CW finances and why the CW refuses to apply for tax exempt status. Cites Ammon
Hennacy and Karl Meyer's tax resistance as nonviolent protest against war. Upholds the
principle that governments should never do what small bodies can accomplish. |
of the World Unite" DOC #177 Summary: Celebrates the 25th
anniversary of the C.W. Perceives freedom as the greatest gift to man from God, and
advocates a four hour work day, child labor, private property as personal property and
manual labor. Personalism works from the bottom up and reminds her readers that Jesus told
people, not states, to perform works of mercy. |
Program" DOC #176 Summary: Outlines P. Maurin's program for
social reordering. Calls for a Green Revolution, a return to the villages. Finds his whole
message embodied in personalism, which begins with oneself. Blames the C.W.'s problems in
its lack of ability to limit itself. |
- Peter Maurin" DOC #170 Summary: Summarizes Peter Maurin's
worldview and discusses his new social order and how his life embodied his ideas. Reveals
the sources of his thought such as Proudhon, Kropotkin, Guardini and Karl Adam. |
Pilgrimage - May 1948" DOC #158 Summary: 16th anniversary
recapitulation of distinctive CW positions, especially pacifism and distributism. Explains
the C.W.'s philosophy of labor as serving others. Argues that the problem of unemployment
originates from the machine - and advocates Gandhi's economic program. Emphasizes a
philosophy of work and a philosophy of poverty. |
Pilgrimage - March-April 1970" DOC #499 Summary: After attending
Ammon Hennacy's funeral in Utah she travels to Florida and Georgia visiting friends, the
Koinonia community, and a trappist monastery. Prays for courage in the face of vast
poverty and violence. Encouraged by Catholic Pentecostal movement and return to prayer. |
Dinner and Other Things" DOC #351 Summary: Describes their
Thanksgiving feast. Despite the fact that donations were sparse, all enjoy a filling, yet
sober, celebration. Notes the beginning of Advent and thoughts of feasting turn to
fasting. Describes her speaking tour of New England, meditates on the virtues of manual
labor, and reminds her readers that the truckmen of Burlington are suffering real
privation during their strike. |
After Day - More Houses of Hospitality Are Needed" DOC #331 Summary:
Calls for every parish to have a Works of Mercy Center and
for courage in doing the little immediate jobs of feeding the hungry and giving out
literature. (Notes St. Therese's "little way.") Encourages discussion groups and
round table discussions for the clarification of thought. |
Peace Is My Bitterness Most Bitter" DOC #250 Summary: Expresses
her anguish over the works of war in Vietnam, which are the opposite of the works of mercy. She is upset with churchmen calling for "total
victory," and notes that the Church is our Mother even though "she is a harlot
at times." Calls on each person to work on changing their hearts and attitude. |
Pilgrimage - December 1965" DOC #248 Summary: Discusses freedom
of conscience and obedience to Church and State in the context of Vatican Council II's
condemnation of nuclear war. Lauds the "little way" of St. Therese as the
foundation of world peace and a means of social change. |
Hospitality" DOC #239 Summary: Retells the indignity and jailing
that an interracial group endured in Shreveport, Louisiana. |
Incompatibility of Love and Violence" DOC #232 Summary: Affirms
that all men are brothers--a view shared by Communists and Christians alike. Disavows
violent means of change and cites Peter Maurin's pacifism. Love requires suffering and the
Cross is the path to joy and life. |
and Pacifism" DOC #223 Summary: Elaborates on the vision of
voluntary poverty and what it implies for the kind of work we do, what we eat and drink,
how we entertain ourselves. Recommends decentralized living and numerous books. Says
"We need saints. God, give us saints." |
Case of Cardinal McIntyre" DOC #196 Summary: Elaborates on the
Catholic Worker relationship with Church authorities over many years and the
"conflict of freedom and authority." Reaffirms the laity's freedom of conscience
and leadership role in action against injustice. Reproaches "our shepherds" who
fail to preach voluntary poverty and "preach the gospel in season, out of season, and
that gospel is 'all men are brothers.'" |
Pilgrimage - January 1959" DOC #178 Summary: Argues from the
principle of subsidiarity that to replace personal responsibility with the state's is a
grave injustice. Criticizes the state's inefficiency in alleviating suffering; in its
guest to regulate justice it causes more injustice. Associates a close bond between
poverty and love and blames industrialism for the increasing practice of carting the aged
off to institutions. |
Incorporated" DOC #167 Summary: Contends that bigness, such as
government, cities, institutions, etc., escapes personal responsibilities. One becomes
lost in its array and thus is not responsible for his actions. Toys with the idea of
incorporating the C.W., but prefers a decentralized organization. Comments on the power of
the novena. |
Long Editorial But It Could Be Longer" DOC #15 Summary: Traces
the program difficulties of Catholic Action to the belief that there is no need for it.
Encourages both Communists and Catholics to study the capitalistic system and to compare
the similarities and differences in order to raise questions. Sees the need for liturgy
and sociology to be linked. Encourages individual responsibility for doing the works of mercy. |
on War and Pacifism" DOC #563 Summary: Various articles by
Dorothy Day on war, pacifism, and the Catholic Worker positions on making peace. |
During Advent, Part Four"
"Obedience' DOC #562Summary: Ponders the relationship between
freedom and authority, faith and obedience. Uses her conversion and starting of the
Catholic Worker as examples of conscience and the great freedom of the laity. Cites
various authorities and the example of Pope John XXIII on freedom and obedience.
Ultimately, links obedience to love and her faith. Repeats the need to "search the
Scriptures" and to achieve a "second conversion" to the faith. |
During Advent, Part Two"
"The Meaning of Poverty" DOC #560Summary: Gives examples of
false voluntary poverty and refutes the notion that real poverty doesn't exist. Challenges
everyone to a personal response, not a government one, to poverty and to ask ourselves
"What shall we do?" Gives examples and concludes that all can do something and
that whatever work of mercy we perform we "do it for love of Jesus, in His humanity,
for love of our brother, for love of our enemy." Points to the scandal of the wealth
of the Church and thanks God for the sacraments and the Word in the Scriptures--our light
and our food. |
During Advent" DOC #558 Summary: During the Advent of 1966
Dorothy Day wrote a four-part series for Ave Maria magazine grouped under the title
"Reflections During Advent." |
Pilgrimage - December 1971" DOC #516 Summary: Excerpts from her
letters while on an across country pilgrimage to Wheaton and Rock Island, Illinois, then
Denver, Colorado. Reasserts the need to "go to the poor" and spread the good
news by speaking and the works of mercy. Comments on a
prison strike noting many are in jail for petty theft while "robber barons" get
away with murder. Says "Property is theft." |
Case of Father Duffy" DOC #497 Summary: Commentary on a case
where a priest is silenced for his work with the poor. Expresses the tension of obedience
and love of the Church with the demands of serving the poor and Church shortcomings.
Affirms her acceptance of Church authority but notes the demands of conscience have caused
Saints to be critical of even the Pope in the past. Reaffirms their lay mission to
enlighten, arouse the conscience, and lead from the bottom up. |
Pilgrimage - September 1948" DOC #469 Summary: Opposes
registration for conscription and describes their picketing a sign-up site. Notes how
easily pickets become violent and her loathing of the use of force. Updates on
construction projects and retreat work at Maryfarm. |
Pilgrimage - October 1947" DOC #459 Summary: Reflection on Peter
Maurin's ideas of groups of farming families on the land. Notes the work Fall brings at
the farm and describes the community life of Doukhobors, Shakers, and the extinct Ephrata
Community. Dismisses the efficiency offered by advertising. |
Pilgrimage - February 1947" DOC #451 Summary: Attends the wedding
of Catholic Workers in Detroit. Visits the widow of Paul St. Marie and recounts his union
organizing at Ford Motor Company. Sees Fr. Pacifique Roy, suffering in the hospital, and
recalls all his help to the Catholic Worker. Meets Fr. Lacourture whose retreats for
priests are the basis of their retreat work. |
Pilgrimage - July August 1946" DOC #427 Summary: Reports on
hearing Canon Cardign speak of the Catholic Action movement which is reaching the workers
with the Church's social teaching. Endorses non-violence, withdrawal, and getting at the
roots in any mass movement. Eulogizes Sidney Hillman for his ground-breaking work in the
garment industry. Notes that Peter Maurin received sacramental anointing and requests
prayers for a labor leader who stopped practicing his faith. Quotes from Eric Gill's
stations of the cross. |
Pilgrimage - February 1946" DOC #419 Summary: Explains why she is
changing the name of the column to On Pilgrimage. A diary-like record of people and
events around the Worker in January 1946--looting in the neighborhood, running out of
coal, medical visits, butchering a hog. Comments on worthwhile work. |
By The Way - October 1945" DOC #415 Summary: Some thoughts on
death after the sudden passing of a co-worker. Tells of Workers returning from war,
painting chores, and prayers for conversions. Speaks of wanting to finish a novel that
includes themes from the retreat given at Maryfarm and which has drawn criticism. |
After Day - September 1942" DOC #385 Summary: A St. Joseph Day
bequest provides an opportunity to explain why The Catholic Worker has never incorporated
and the nature of its organizational philosophy favoring smallness. As he had promised,
Tony Pereiro brings spindles, similar to those used by Gandhi, as souvenirs from his trip
to India which are viewed as "revolutionary implements," symbols of another way
of life. |
To The Poor" DOC #383 Summary: Inspired by the beauty and
inner-city location of Los Angeles’ St. Bibiana Cathedral, this editorial focuses on
the poor--" The closer we are to the poor, the closer to Christ’s love."
Because May, 1942 marked The Catholic Worker’s tenth year, reminds readers
that we are called to love all men, friend and foe alike, because all are
brothers--"love is shown by works of mercy, not by
war." |
After Day - April 1942" DOC #381 Summary: Begins with an appeal
for two worthy causes--the Bishop’s relief fund for war victims and the New York
Catholic Charities. Ponders the role of citizens during wartime and our penchant for
choosing men of action, like General MacArthur, as heroes rather than figures like Pope
Pius XII. Envisions speaking about rayer in Wartime, the rural life movement, feeding the
poor and hungry, and the use of decentralism and other means for producing social change
on an upcoming West Coast trip. Denies that her strict pacifism has split the Catholic
Worker movement and points out that they face more reader-resistance for their policy
against denying aid to the "undeserving" poor. |
After Day - February 1942" DOC #380 Summary: Shares her
enthusiasm for Raisa Maritain’s autobiography, We Have Been Friends Together.
Defends their reaching out to all the poor, not just those deemed "deserving" of
assistance. Reviews the positions taken on World War II by various Catholic Worker houses
throughout the country, admitting that not all have their "in season, out of
season" pacifism. |
After Day - May 1941" DOC #372 Summary: Expounds on the value of
manual labor and the opening of new Catholic Worker houses. Argues that it is right that
the Catholic Worker campaign against the underlying social injustices which cause hunger,
poverty, homelessness, and war. Asks for respect when views differ. |
Trip To Near-by C. W. Groups" DOC #367 Summary: Admires the work
of Ade Bethune's "folk school" in Newport, Rhode Island, calling it "one of
the most interesting cells of the Catholic Worker." Describes the work of nearby
Catholic Worker farms. Gives a talk where she stresses that the evils in the world are not
inevitable, are not from God but from man's misuse of free will. |
Stand DOC #360 Summary: Reasserts their pacifist stand and opposes the
use of force in the labor movement, in class struggle, and struggles between countries.
Quotes Catholic theologians and Popes. Repeats that God's Word is Love and that using only
non-violent means is indeed "the Folly of the Cross." Doubts that the conditions
for a "just war" can be met in these times. |
Worker Ideas On Hospitality DOC #358 Summary: Defends against the
charge that they do more harm than good in providing hospitality to the undeserving.
Asserts that doing the Works of Mercy is following Christ
and a revolutionary technique. Points to the monastic tradition of indiscriminate
hospitality. Other keywords: Communism, hospices, social order. |
Portland, and Points South DOC #355 Summary: Lists all the people and
groups she visited and spoke to in Seattle and Portland, describing their projects to help
the poor and the worker. |
After Day - February 1940 DOC #354 Summary: Visiting Catholic Worker
houses in Baltimore and Philadelphia, she reflects on the part everyone plays in the whole
movement and feels a sense of solidarity. Notes how they suffer from the cold in New York.
Tells of a visit to the headquarters of the National Maritime Union and their fine reading
room. |
Plans Taken With Awful Calm" DOC #350 Summary: Reports on the
growth of C.W., new houses, the newspaper’s circulation, and various projects.
Assesses the employment situation and the country’s willingness to mobilize for war
and the making of profit. Expresses gratitude for the people who have answered their
appeal and have continued to make the C.W.’s ministry possible. Amidst talk of war
and peace " It would be hard to keep a cheerful spirit in the face of the calm
acceptance of this preparation for mass slaughter and insanity if it were not for our
faith." |
After Day - March 1939" DOC #341 Summary: Describes a mission
being preached in a nearby Church. Feels love for the poor ones in attendance seeing them
as brothers of Christ. Explains why she prays for those who have committed suicide. Makes
an appeal for funds. |
Criticism, CIO Convention" DOC #336 Summary: Collection of little
stories: visitors, helping Tamar with homework, praying to St. Joseph for money, reading Pelle
the Conqueror, and attending a CIO convention. Affirms her "faith in the
tremendous spiritual capacities of man." |
of C. W. Groups Given By Editor" DOC #335 Summary: A series of
stories about the work of Catholic Worker groups she recently visited on a speaking trip:
Portsmouth and Newport, RI; Boston and Worchester, MA; Milwaukee; Chicago; Rochester, NY;
Detroit; and Pittsburgh. |
Regrets,' Mooney Tells C. W. Interviewer" DOC #326 Summary:
Describes a visit to Tom Mooney who was jailed in 1915 for labor organizing and who spends
his days caring for infirm inmates in San Quentin prison. Mooney sees Christ as "a
great Leader of the workers who set an example of laying down His life for the poor and
dispossessed of this world." |
After Day - April 1937" DOC #319 Summary: Describes those who
deny Christ in His poor as "atheists indeed." Blames well-off "professing
Christians" for repelling those with no religion. Quotes from a pamphlet given to the
men in the breadline about Christ being their brother and His poverty. |
Letter to John Brophy, CIO Director" DOC #318 Summary: Urges John
Brophey, the C.I.O. trade unions director, to use the technique of sit-down strikes, a
nonviolent form of coercion, a means used by Gandhi and an example of pure means advocated
by Maritain. "The use of force is unchristian." |
Knew Him In The Breaking of Bread" DOC #315 Summary: An appeal
for money to support the growing breadlines. Describes the lines, cost of feeding so many,
the help they receive, and prayers to St. Joseph. Reminds readers that their gifts put
them in Christian solidarity with the breadline and what is done for the men is done for
Him. |
After Day - November 1936" DOC #307 Summary: Reflections on our
being children of one Father, thanksgiving, the worth of spreading the "Christian
revolution" by distributing the Catholic Worker paper, distributing clothes,
and other stories of life on Mott Street. |
Write About Strife and Violence?" DOC #279 Summary: Calls
attention to the social crisis, class warfare, and numerous strikes. Notes how Communists
practice the corporal works of mercy while lukewarm,
comfortable, and indifferent Catholics turn their backs on strikers and their families. |
Appeal" DOC #251 Summary: An appeal for money to carry on the
work of hospitality, and to buy and repair an old house. Compares the CW approach to the
city and states' way. Notes that Jesus tells us to ask for what we need, and that our
Heavenly Father knows what we need. |
W. Editors Arrested In Air Raid Drill" DOC #243 Summary:
Describes her and 18 others' arrest and court appearances for civil disobedience after
demonstrating and not taking shelter in an air raid drill. Speaks of the courage and
suffering needed in battle and in using spiritual weapons. Going to jail is one way of
visiting the prisoner. |
Are the Poor? They Are In Prisons, Too" DOC #241 Summary: A
graphic description of how she and 29 others were treated by the police, jailers, and
courts after arrest for protesting air raid drills against nuclear attack. Gives a reason
for the protest and decries the inhuman aspects of their treatment--crowding, lack of
food, waiting. Notes: "What a neglected work of mercy, visiting the prisoner." |
Pope and Peace" DOC #237 Summary: Explains what anarchism and
pacifism mean against the backdrop of the modern state. Reaffirms the principles of
subsidiarity, freedom and personal responsibility, and the membership of all in the body
of Christ. |
By the Way" DOC #224 Summary: Tells of the work and people at
numerous Catholic Worker houses and farms on a journey through New York, Michigan, Ohio,
and Pennsylvania. |
Conscription Comes For Women" DOC #222 Summary: Asserts she would
not register for the draft because it is the first step toward war and answers common
objections to her stance. Cites the Holy Father, Thoreau, and E. I. Watkin, founder of the
PAX movement in England. Keywords: pacifism, conscientious objection, taxes. |
After Day - January 1943" DOC #221 Summary: A general summary of
the Catholic Worker after 10 years--list of houses and farms (open and closed), marriages,
births, deaths; whereabouts of workers; her travels. Notes they making an attempt at
applying a personalist, communitarian philosophy, and quotes Eric Gill's notion of "a
cell of good living." Keywords: philosophy of the Catholic Worker,
conscientious objection. |
Injustice Done Japanese On West Coast" DOC #218 Summary: Decries
the resettlement of Japanese Americans during World War II into concentration camps and
describes their living conditions. |
After Day - June 1942" DOC #217 Summary: Expresses a joyful heart
in the midst of war preparations. Visits friends, Bishops, and West Coast Houses of
Hospitality in Seattle and Los Angelus. |
of the Dead" DOC #193 Summary: Decries the religious attitude
that neglects the needs of this world in anticipation of "a fuller life"
hereafter. Views this life as a "practice ground," an opportunity to use our
talents to bring about justice and peace. Cites Ammon Hennacy and Peter Maurin as men who
showed personal responsibility in this life. Everyone has the choice to bring about a
better world aware that we are members of one family. We will be satisfied at death in
God's rich mercy. |
Mystery of the Poor" DOC #189 Summary: Answers students'
question: "How can you see Christ in people?" Says Christ shows himself in the
hands and feet of the poor around us. What we do for the poor we do for Christ which leads
to an increase in faith and belief in love. |
and Work" DOC #173 Summary: Proposes a new attitude toward labor,
which needs to be achieved through the educational system. Draws from Pius XII and Peter
Maurin to articulate a mysticism of labor that promotes a wholeness of cult, culture and
cultivation. This attitude advocates one to work for what one needs, not what one wants,
so one can work for others in need. |
Politics" DOC #166 Summary: Discusses the C.W.'s means to achieve
a better social condition in comparison to communist means. Exhorts "the rich to
become poor and the poor to become holy." Criticizes capitalism's unbalanced
distribution of wealth and admits a certain compatability exists between Marx and
Christianity. |
Pilgrimage - July-August 1949" DOC #164 Summary: Complains of the
lack of help from the Church to promote unions. Forcefully explains the difference between
communism and the C.W. and contends that the greatest threat to the Church is the working
man's ignorance of the Church's social teaching not communism, which is "simply a
consequence to the ignorance." |
Pilgrimage - February 1949" DOC #162 Summary: Discusses Truman's
attempt to nationalize steel and argues that it should be permitted as a transition to
smaller group ownership, or if private ownership is efficient. Mentions the lack of
support for distributism, particularly among Catholics who support government
intervention. |
About Holy Poverty. Which Is Voluntary Poverty." DOC #150 Summary:
"Am I my brothers keeper?" Argues that increased state intervention limits
personal freedom and responsibility. Sees the social security legislation and other state
programs as taking responsibility from the community, parish, family and person. Voluntary
poverty on the other hand promotes responsibility, since it comes directly from the
person. |
Communes" DOC #149 Summary: Defines personalism as the
realization that one "cannot find satisfaction in this life unless he reckons that
there is only God and himself." Discusses the difficulties of farming communes and
the need to establish the communal aspects of Christianity. |
Editor Back from Nova Scotia" DOC #146 Summary: Describes her
trip to Antigonish, Nova Scotia and her stay with the community. Discusses her meeting
with the United Mine Workers and how cooperative stores there have built a spiritual
foundation for their material needs distribution. Comments on the community's independence
and its inter-dependence on one other. |
of Hospitality DOC #3 Summary: An account of the first five years
of the Catholic Worker (C.W.). Describes the C.W. not simply as a newspaper but as a
movement. Explicates its position on labor and unions through Peter Maurin's ideas on
personalism. Much of the book, however, is taken up with the day to day experiences of the
C.W., describing the soup lines, publication of the paper, picketing, farm communes, and
the finances of the C.W. |
of Hospitality" DOC #342 Summary: A detailed account of the first
houses of hospitality in New York where the works of mercy,
prayer, work, and community intermingle. |
- House
of Hospitality,
- Foreword
DOC #435
Summary: An overview of the beginnings of the Catholic Worker. As a journalist
covering the Communist led march on Washington in December 1932, Dorothy yearns and prays
to find a way to work for the poor and oppressed. She meeets Peter Maurin who
"indoctrinates" her in Catholic social teaching and his program to change the
social order: starting a newspaper, houses of hospitality, roundtable discussions and
farming communes. Includes several of Peter's essays and details about starting the
newspaper and their first houses of hospitality. |
of Hospitality,
Chapter Two DOC #437Summary: Vignettes about a mentally ill woman
disturbing the neighborhood and the good luck and hard work life of a friend. Describes
their struggles with food, lack of money, heated discussions, children's play,
"little miracles," selling the paper at a nearby church, and the constant
interruptions. Notes two kinds of materialism. |
- House
of Hospitality,
- Chapter
Three DOC #438
Summary: Tales of hospitality, distributing the paper, and propaganda meetings.
Affirms the primacy of performing the works of mercy over
"talking and writing about the work." Quotes from Frederick Ozanam on putting
faith into action. Describes homey scenes at the beach house with Theresa and their
beachcomber friend Smiddy. Tells of their poverty and their joy amid their city neighbors,
a busy parish Church nearby, and Peter’s efforts in Harlem. |
of Hospitality,
Chapter Four DOC #439Summary: A mixture of colorful stories of
guests' travails, daily tasks, and small pleasures. Includes a Peter Maurin presentation
on Socialism's faults and the need for action based on a supernatural foundation. Reflects
on St. Therese's Little Way as a way to overcome discouragement. |
of Hospitality,
Chapter Six DOC #441Summary: Struggles with discouragement and turns
to prayer and spiritual reading for courage. Includes quotes from various spiritual
writers. Tales from the farm and trips to the Home Relief Office, swims to escape the
oppressive heat, and sweet smells. Rejects the notion that all are not called to
perfection and sees true security in giving ones talents in the service of the poor.
Details their debt and asserts their insecurity is good. |
- House
of Hospitality,
- Chapter
Eight DOC #443
Summary: After describing their search for a farm and the move to Mott Street,
most of the chapter is a clarification of why they support organizing and striking
workers. Contrasts their peaceful methods with the communist calls for violence in a class
war. Asserts a spiritual foundation based on the dignity of man, a philosophy of labor,
and the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. Wants workers to become owners and lauds the
cooperative and back-to-the-land movements. |
- House
of Hospitality
- Chapter
Ten DOC #445
Summary: Expresses deep gratitude to God for the goodness of their first summer
at the Easton farm. Explains why they distribute The Catholic Worker and Catholic
literature at Communist rallies. Meditates on the phrase "Our Father" as the
basis for understanding that all men are brothers. A long description of their efforts to
help the striking seamen in New York. |
of Hospitality,
Chapter Eleven DOC #446Summary: Bucolic description of the antics of
Bessie the calf. Much of the chapter describes her visit to the sit-down strike in Flint,
Michigan, against General Motors and their tactics. Says labor in the U.S. needs a long
range program of education about cooperatives, credit unions, and a philosophy of labor.
Quotes from a leaflet distributed to the men on the breadline inviting them to attend a
parish mission. After a talk to a women's club in Florida she observes that the rich who
deny Christ in His poor "are atheists indeed." |
of Hospitality, Conclusion DOC #450 Summary: Reflecting on
the themes cover in the book, she acknowledges all that has been accomplished and
distinguishes the role of the State and personal responsibility. Enumerates the many
strikes they supported. Calls for a greater use of prayer and the desire to be saints.
Speaks about what individual workers are doing in New York and is encouraged by houses
around the country. Concludes by recalling Peter Maurin's fundamental ideas--voluntary
poverty and the works of mercy. Prays that they continue
on "the downward path which leads to salvation." |
Christ - To the Land" DOC #143 Summary: Presents P. Maurin
three-point program: Round Table Discussions, Houses of Hospitality, and Farming Communes
to further the personalist and communitarian revolution. Promotes worker ownership in
order to go back to the land to establish farming communes. |