The 109th Congress should
- repeal the Controlled Substances
Act of 1970,
- repeal the federal mandatory
minimum sentences and the mandatory sentencing guidelines,
- direct the administration not to
interfere with the implementation of state initiatives that
allow for the medical use of marijuana, and
- shut down the Drug Enforcement
Harry Browne writes:
Until the early 1900s,
the federal government did little to regulate or control
the sale or use of alcohol or drugs —
except for taxing alcohol.
It may be hard to believe today, but early in the 20th
century a 10-year-old girl could walk into a drug store
and buy a bottle of whiskey or a packet of heroin. She
didn't need a doctor's prescription or even a note from
her parents. Any druggist would sell to her without
batting an eye; he would assume she was on an errand for
her parents.
While that may seem amazing now, it wasn't to anyone
then. Heroin was sold in packages as a pain reliever or
sedative —
just as aspirin or other analgesics are sold today. The
measured dose didn't make anyone high, and rarely did
anyone become addicted —
certainly no more often than with sleeping pills today.
Given such easy access to liquor and drugs, we might
assume that America's adults and children were all high on
booze and drugs. But that wasn't the case.
There were alcoholics and drug addicts then, just as
there are today. But there were far fewer of them —
because there were no criminal dealers trying to hook
people on drugs or turn them into alcoholics. |
from the Nightmare of Prohibition
When All Drugs Were Legal ... There Wasn't a Drugs Problem
Is it the case that there were fewer addicts 100
years ago because there were more armed government agents patrolling
the streets and handing out 25-year prison terms for recreational
drug use? No. In fact, it seems that the more our God-given rights
are violated by an ever-increasing army of government enforcers, and
the more the omnipotent state seeks to be as god, the more hopeless,
confused, and even defiant young Americans become, and the more
frequently they escape a senseless world in drugs.
- A former President said he "did not inhale."
- He searched out a dope dealer;
he paid for some marijuana;
he took it home;
he rolled it up in paper;
he lit it;
he held it up to his mouth;
he did not inhale.
- Right.
Kevin Craig did not inhale. Kevin Craig has never even been in
possession of any marijuana or other controlled
substance. Kevin Craig does not particularly like mind-altering
substances. "Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the
Spirit" (Ephesians
But just as alcohol
prohibition did not work, so the "War on Drugs" has
been an unmitigated disaster, causing more harm than good, if any.
Drug abuse is a symptom of a society which has drifted
away from "Liberty Under God."
This is not a problem which can be solved by "getting
tough" on drugs, that is, increasing government coercion and
decreasing Constitutional liberties. Such a cure is worse than the
Today the government will not allow
"Liberty Under God" to be taught
in government-run schools. Millions of children are indoctrinated in
the philosophy of cosmic meaninglessness and defeatism. They are
virtually taught to be drug addicts. We should be surprised that
only half of all students end up experimenting with mind-altering,
spirit-deadening drugs.
To Win the War on Drugs
Marijuana and other drugs should
once again be legalized, and the billions of dollars presently
squandered by the government should be used as families deem fit to
prevent substance abuse. This will make our neighborhoods safe
again, eliminate the hold organized crime has on the market for
certain drugs, and eliminate widespread government corruption caused
by huge drug profits.
It is more important for government to send the message that "crime
is wrong" -- even crime committed
by the government -- than it is to send the message that
"using drugs is wrong."
But this is a moral
Isn't teaching morality and
helping young people know the joy of living in God's Creation a
violation of "the
separation of church and state?" Yes, according to
those who wish to increase funds for "the war on drugs" by
seizing your property.
- Bringing
Back Liberty, Harry Browne, June 12, 2001
- Demonstration
of True Compassion, a, Harry Browne, February 15, 2000
- Drugs,
Downey, Strawberry, Junkie, & Hypocrites, Harry Browne,
May 1, 2001
- For
Public Safety, We Need Less Government (from The Great
Libertarian Offer)
- Free from the
Nightmare of Prohibition (from The Great Libertarian
How Terrorists Profit from Drugs, Harry Browne,
March 21, 2002
- Ignorance
Is Dangerous, Harry Browne, January 17, 2002
- Invisible
Hand Is a Gentle Hand, the (by Sharon Harris), September 14,
- Is
Violence Justified? (by Peter McWilliams)
- Learning
from Peter McWilliams, Harry Browne, June 17, 2000
- President's
First Day in Office, the, Harry Browne, December 1, 2000
- Seven
Ways to Make Your Neighborhood Safer, Harry Browne, October
21, 2000
- Top10
Misconceptions about Government, Harry Browne, June 26, 2001
- Top
10 Questions Left out of the Debate, Harry Browne, October
6, 2000
More Ambitious than the Republicans Are, Harry Browne,
September 22, 2000
- What
Do Libertarians Want?, Harry Browne, October 25, 2000
- What
If All Drugs Were Legal? (gasp), Harry Browne, June 7, 2001
next: Medical Marijuana