The 109th Congress should
- recognize that the monogamous heterosexual family is the
foundation of civilization, of free and prosperous societies.
Founding Fathers would agree with George
Gilder, author of Sexual
Suicide, that men will only fulfill their paternal
obligations when women lead them to do so, and that this
civilizing influence, free from government-created economic
obstacles, is a most important factor in maintaining a productive,
healthy, loving society.
This mutually edifying arrangement is the monogamous
heterosexual family. It is the foundation of
civilization, of free and prosperous societies.
- It advances the rights given to us by our Creator, as
it recognizes that human beings were created "male
and female."
- It provides the most effective model for morality and
- The fulfilling of paternal obligations in the family deters
the growth of an oppressive "paternalistic"
next: Abortion