Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2006
Foreign Aid and Economic Development

The 109th Congress should
  • abolish the U.S. Agency for International Development and end traditional government-to-government aid programs;
  • withdraw from the World Bank and the five regional multilateral development banks;
  • not use foreign aid to encourage or reward market reforms in the developing world;
  • eliminate programs, such as enterprise funds, that provide loans to the private sector in developing countries and oppose schemes that guarantee private-sector investments abroad;
  • privatize or abolish the Export-Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, and other sources of corporate welfare;
  • forgive the debts of heavily indebted countries on the condition that they not receive any further foreign aid; and
  • end government support of micro-enterprise lending and non-governmental organizations.

If you had your choice between making a charitable contribution to a starving victim of a Marxist dictatorship, or giving your money to a Marxist dictator, would you have to think very long before making your decision? The federal government gives your tax dollars to oppressive governments, money which too often never sees the hand of the starving and oppressed.

next: The International War on Drugs