The 109th Congress
- repeal the Anti–Drug Abuse Acts
of 1986 and 1988 and all legislation requiring the United
States to certify drug-source countries’ cooperation in
counter-narcotics efforts,
- declare an end to the international
war on drugs, and
- remove U.S. trade barriers to the
products of developing countries.
The "War on Drugs" is being
fought on two fronts.
- Domestically,
the government is at war with the Constitutional rights of
millions of American citizens.
- Internationally, the
government is at war with the
anti-imperialist vision of America's Founding Fathers, as
well as the basic human rights of millions of peasants in
several foreign nations.
Among the more important countries
where your tax dollars are undermining your values:
- Columbia
- Afghanistan
- Southeast Asia
next: War and