The 109th Congress should
- recognize that all governments are based on a religion
- recognize that not all religions are true; some are false
- pass only legislation which is consistent with true
Founding Fathers believed that true
religion would make a free and prosperous society. The Framers
of the Constitution did not intend that America be a secular
nation. The Constitution did not create a secular government.
According to the most
fundamental charters of our nation, "religion,
morality and knowledge" are "necessary for
good government and the happiness of mankind."
Some people think of
"religion" as a church or system of ceremonies and
liturgies. Our laws are based not on liturgies, but on
ultimate values. Paul Tillich spoke of religion as
concern." |
There is no such thing as a purely secular or
"neutral" government; all governments pass laws
which are based on morality, which in turn reflect religious
beliefs. There is presently a conflict over which religion will
determine our laws: Christianity or the
religion of Secular Humanism. (Certain terrorists would like
our laws to be determined by some variety of the Islamic religion,
but they are clearly the minority.)
Atheists have more freedom in a Christian nation than Christians
have in atheistic nations. As religion and morality become weaker,
the State becomes stronger. As religion and morality increase,
liberty increases as well.
In the century following the ratification of the Constitution,
the U.S. Supreme Court took it for granted that America was a
Christian nation. The Court in the 20th century repudiated
that notion. As a result, literacy
has declined in schools, while crime has skyrocketed. Students
are rebuked for writing term papers on openly Christian themes,
while the
violent projects of the Columbine High School killers were
accepted. Teachers are fired or disciplined for endorsing
religion and morality.
Our "Organic Law"
Religion and Liberty
next: The Family: Cornerstone
of Social Order