Missouri's 7th District, U.S. House of Representatives




Congressional Issues 2006
"Left," "Right," and the "Politically Homeless"

The 109th Congress should:

  • ignore the traditional division between "left" and "right," and the partisan distinction between "Republicrat" and "Demoblican"
  • pursue "Liberty Under God" with non-partisan consistency.

The traditional "left"-"right" spectrum of political analysis is utterly defective. At the far left is communism, a form of totalitarian socialism. At the far right is fascism, a form of totalitarian socialism. What is the "middle of the road?" A form of the absence of all government? No, it's usually implied that Keynesian socialism or Fabian socialism is "middle of the road." But this is exactly what our Founding Fathers broke away from now-socialist Britain to avoid.

More and more Americans don't feel represented by either major political party.

Both the Democrat and the Republican Parties now advocate what the Socialist Party advocated during the early years of the 20th century:
Toward a Socialist America

An American Classical Liberalism

Harry Browne on the Non-Differences Between the Two Major Parties:

next: Religion/Traditional Values: Foundation of a Free, Civil Society