The 109th Congress should:
- ignore the traditional division between "left" and
"right," and the partisan distinction between "Republicrat"
and "Demoblican"
- pursue "Liberty Under God" with
non-partisan consistency.
The traditional "left"-"right" spectrum of
political analysis is utterly defective. At the far left is communism,
a form of totalitarian socialism. At the far right is fascism,
a form of totalitarian socialism. What is the "middle of the
road?" A form of the absence of all government? No, it's
usually implied that Keynesian socialism or Fabian socialism
is "middle of the road." But this is exactly what our Founding
Fathers broke away from now-socialist Britain to avoid.
More and more Americans don't feel represented by either major
political party.
- Both the Democrat and the Republican Parties now advocate what the
Socialist Party advocated during the early years of the 20th century:
- Toward
a Socialist America
An American Classical
- The Myth of
Republican Conservatism
- Republican Party Opposes Ten Commandments
- Republicans
and Big Government
- A Bush-Clinton
Ticket Would Be Unbeatable
- The Bush
Betrayal: New Era of Big Government Former
Congressman Bob Barr
- Republocrats
- GWB:
The Mask Is Off
- GWB's Big
Government Record
- The
embarrassing GOP
- Trading
Places: Jeffrey Frankel [alt]
"The pattern is so well
established that the generalisation can no longer be denied: the
Republicans have become the party of fiscal irresponsibility, trade
restriction, big government and bad microeconomics.
"Surprisingly, Democrat presidents
have, relatively speaking, become the proponents of fiscal
responsibility, free trade, competitive markets and neoclassical
microeconomics. This characterisation sounds implausible. Certainly,
it would not be recognisable from the two parties' rhetoric. But
compare the records of Presidents Carter and Clinton with those of
Presidents Reagan, Bush senior and Bush junior."
Jeffrey Frankel is professor of economics at Harvard University's
Kennedy School of Government
- Middle-of-the-Road Policy
Leads to Socialism
- Bush or
Kerry? No Difference
- The
return of the living dead: Federal programs that survived the
Republican revolution
- Republicans
Love Big Government
- Attack
on Conservatives (jbs)
- Conservatives
Only (fff)
- On Spending,
Bush Is No Reagan
- The
Bush Betrayal
- Republicans
Become the Party of Big Government
- The
Republican Spending Explosion
- The
Mother of All Big Spenders: Bush spends like Carter and panders like
- Bush’s
Bigger, Fatter Welfare State
- Bush
continues Clinton agenda (wnd)
- How Conservative
Is President Bush?
- Was
Clinton more conservative than Bush?
- Tweedledee or Tweedledum?
- Individualist
Anarchism (69)
- Contemporary
Libertarianism (584)
- Leftism
- Strange
- Libertarian
Party (lp-pr's)
- Polling
Data (lp-pr's)
- Politics
- Politics (fff)
- Politics
and Political Parties
- Politics
and Politicians (lp-pr's)
- Waste Your Vote!
- Lies,
Damn Lies and Republican Rhetoric
- Libertarian
Mainstream Caucus - GOP Watch
- 'Conservative'
Bush Spends More than 'Liberal' Presidents Clinton, Carter
- Cost
of government gets more taxing under Bush
- Spending and
Lying by Rep. Ron Paul
- GOP: Gigantic
Outlay Party
- For Libertarians, Candidates Offer Little Choice
- With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats?
Harry Browne on the Non-Differences Between the Two
Major Parties:
- Aiding
& Abetting Republicans?, Harry Browne, January 11, 2001
in People, Harry Browne, December 16, 1999
- Conservatives
Looking More Like Liberals Every Day, Harry Browne, February 13,
- Death of the
Republican Party, the, Harry Browne, November 4, 1998
- Forsaking
Microsoft for Janet Reno, Harry Browne, December 22, 1997
- It's
Still the Economy, Stupid, Harry Browne, January 23, 2001
- Libertarians
Are Not Part of the "Right", Harry Browne, March 7, 2001
- Only
Way to Smaller Government, the, Harry Browne, September 27, 1998
- Republican
Betrayal from A to Z, the, Harry Browne, July 28, 1999
- Separating
Ourselves from the Pack, Harry Browne, April 3, 1998
- Should
We Give George Bush Another Chance?, Harry Browne, January 1, 2001
- Truth
about the Republican & Democratic Parties, the, Harry Browne,
March 23, 1999
- We're More
Ambitious than the Republicans Are, Harry Browne, September 22,
- What Do
You Want from Politics and How Will You Get It, Harry Browne, May
31, 1998
- Who
Gave the OK on Kosovo?, Harry Browne, July 6, 1999
- Why Clinton's
Morals Seem Important, Harry Browne, January 25, 1998
- Will the
2000 Election Be the Most Important in a Generation?, Harry
Browne, June 1999
next: Religion/Traditional Values: Foundation of
a Free, Civil Society