In 1831, the French political writer Alexis de Tocqueville visited
the United States of America, a nation which, by today's standards, existed in
a state of "anarchy." The citizenry had deemed unnecessary such things as
income taxation, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling,
drug wars, economic regulations, gun control, and immigration controls. Tocqueville
described the "chaos" of a society without modern "government":
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Vol.1, p.70 The real source of law in America was "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." These laws were taught in every school. America's Founding Fathers were animated by Micah's vision of a decentralized, law-abiding, peaceful world of Vine & Fig Tree. |
Anarchy?Any politician who proposed making enough cuts in our present levels of government to bring them down to the size of government created by America's Founding Fathers would be called an "extremist" or an "anarchist." But Tocqueville says the Founders "contracted no alliance with the turbulent passions of anarchy." Everyone knows what he means, and this website joins him in opposing these passions. But the time has come to quibble over words. The idea that "anarchists" are bad and "archists" (the opposite of "an-archists") are good is the Biggest Lie in the history of Political Science. The Biggest Government Lie of All Time The Prophet Micah described the Vine & Fig Tree world as resting on "the Mountain of the House of the Lord," a reference to pure worship of God and a restored Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden there was the Family. "The State" did not exist. Nor did "the church." The Prophet Micah speaks of a day when Edenic conditions will be restored throughout the earth. This means the disappearance of "the State." How do we describe a stateless society? Nobody likes the term "Anarchy." How about: |
Patriarchy?All human beings are created in families. Patriarchy is an inescapable concept. If the Christian pater does not train his family in the Ways of Peace, he will be oppressed by a “paternalistic” State. The Family is the basic social unit of a prosperous society. The Institution called "The State" is unBiblical. It reflects rebellion against God's Law. Obedience through the Family eliminates tyranny, protects property. The whole history of man as recorded in the Bible is the history of sinful rebellion against society as created in the Garden of Eden, and the construction of institutions based on Humanistic power: coercion and violence. It is the history of Politics vs. Patriarchy. |
Theocracy?The word comes from two Greek words meaning "rule of God." Most people think it means "the rule of priests." It does not. What would happen if everyone obeyed God's Law? What would happen if a nation were truly "under God," and could say without hypocrisy, "In God We Trust?"
"Anarchy," "Patriarchy," "Theocracy" — we can't think of marketable names, so we just refer to it as the Vine & Fig Tree society. One reason many of these Christians don't actively work for Micah's Vine & Fig Tree society is that they believe God has predestined the world to get worse and worse. This is an unBiblical view. |
A second reason many Christians don't actively work for Micah's
Vine & Fig Tree society is that they believe God has
"ordained" the State, and that God commands us to have a State, and
abolishing the State would be contrary to His will. This too is an unBiblical view.
It begins with an erroneous interpretation of Paul's Letter to the Romans.
Abolishing "The State"
From Cover to Cover, The Bible Describes the Battle: Politics vs. PatriarchyNowhere in Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, does God ever say to man, "I think now is the time to form an institution which substitutes vengeance for love of enemy, and funds all its activities by theft and fraud, buttressed with threats of unspeakable violence." Concerning the language of Romans 13 ("the powers that be are ordained of God"), James Benjamin Green, in his Harmony of the Westminster Standards, noted that: "It is not meant that God directly ordained the state by saying to man, Thou shalt set up a government or organize a commonwealth." Americans don't read the Bible from cover to cover, as they would a "Harry Potter" book. They quote John 3:16 and a few other verses. The following survey of the Bible cannot be a substitute for your own reading of the volume cover to cover. |
The Bible | | 1.
Presence | | 2. Globalism | | 3.
Theonomy | | 4. Peace | | 5. Family
| | 6. Garden | | 7. Community
Index | | Theology | | History
| | Culture | | No State | | No
Church | | Godly Families -- Everywhere
| | Overview
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