Vine & Fig Tree's Web Pages
Explaining the Third Archetype

III. God's Law:
Blueprint for Overthrow and

And many nations will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,
That He may teach us about His ways
And that we may walk in His paths.”
For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Micah 4:2

The whole Bible -- including the Old Testament -- is God's Law-Word.

From Moses to Malachi, God sets forth an unchanging standard of Justice, Mercy, and Faith (Matthew 23:23). When faithfully taught and obeyed, observance of the Law of God mends the torn fabric of life. Bringing our lives under the total jurisdiction of Christ is the key to social renewal, not reforming the lives of others through the impersonal violence of statist bureaucratic regulation. Biblical Law is God's pattern for peace, justice, and harmony.

Theonomy vs. Autonomy

The Comprehensive Scope of God's Law: Every Area of Life, Every Activity
Obedience in Life pleases God more than Ritual and Sacrifices in Church

Can you be a Christian if you don't “worship” God?
Can you “worship” God if you don't worship His Law?

The Gospel Message is a Word from God. Every Word of God is Law.

The Christmas Conspiracy is Grounded in God's Law

Explore Third Archetype: Law

[Back to Archetypes]


Law as Archetype -- God's Law: Conspiratorial Blueprints

"The Moral Law"
The Abiding Validity of God's Law: Why Christians Should Obey the Law

"The Ceremonial Law"
"Behold the Lamb of God" -- The New Pedagogical Law

The Cleansing of the Land by the Blood of Christ

The Law of God vs. The Law of Man: Confronting "Ceremonial Deism"

The Ten Commandments Home Page

The Ten Commandments Applied in American Legal History

Putting God's Law into Practice in Our Lives

  1. The Ten Commandments
  2. Virtue
  3. Recovery
  4. Meditation
  5. Godly Character Traits

The Ten Commandments


The First Commandment 

The Second Commandment 

The Third Commandment 

The Fourth Commandment 

The Fifth Commandment 

The Sixth Commandment 

The Seventh Commandment 

The Eighth Commandment 

The Ninth Commandment 

The Tenth Commandment 

Vine & Fig Tree's Path to Virtue



Christlike Character

Spirit-Empowered Obedience to God's Law
Produces Men Who Are:

Accomplished Accurate Alert
Amiable Analytical Aspiring
Availability Bold Calm
Cautious Charitable Chaste
Cheerful Composed Concentration
Confident Contentment Cooperative
Courage Courteous Creativity
Decisiveness Dependability Diligence
Discernment Discretion Earnest
Endurance Efficiency Emotions
Energy Enthusiasm Expressiveness
Fair-mindedness Faithful Flexibility
Foresight Forgiveness Frankness
Frugality Generosity Gentleness
Goal Apprehension Goal Direction Gratefulness
Honesty Hope Hospitality
Humility Industry Initiative
Interest in People Kindness Loyalty
Manners Maturity Meekness
Memory Motivation of Others Music
Neatness Non-violent Objectivity
Organization Overcomer Parenting
Patience Perfection Perseverance
Persistence Persuasiveness Planning
Punctuality Purposefulness Reading
Recovery Relaxation Resoluteness
Resourcefulness Respectfulness Responsibility
Reverence Security Self-Assurance
Self-Discipline Self-Education Self-Improvement
Self-Respect Self-Starting Sensitivity
Sincerity Speech Success
Thoroughness Thriftiness Tolerance
Touch Truthfulness Virtuous
Wisdom Work for Quality

The Bible | | 1. Presence | | 2. Globalism | | 3. Theonomy | | 4. Peace | | 5. Family | | 6. Garden | | 7. Community
Index  | | Theology  | | History  | | Culture | | No State | | No Church | | Godly Families -- Everywhere | | Overview

Christmas Conspiracy


Vine & Fig Tree

Paradigm Shift


Vine & Fig Tree
12314 Palm Dr. #107
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
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