The 109th Congress should
The FBI was created during the so-called
Era." During this time the federal government experienced
massive growth, transgressing constitutional powers reserved to
the States. If the federal government were returned to the scope
it had for the first 100 years of this nation's history, with the
federal government limited to the powers delegated to it in the
Constitution, the FBI would not be necessary.
The Oklahoma
City bombing and the
events of 9-11 could have -- but were not -- prevented by the
FBI. Such profound failures are matched with profound FBI abuses,
Shifting law enforcement duties from local government to the
federal government is contrary to Constitutional principles. See federalization
of law enforcement. The trend is now toward globalization of
law enforcement.
The Justice Department itself did not
exist for the first 90 years of our nation's history. Of course,
the entire Congress will never abolish the Justice Department
until it is committed to returning to the limited government and
Free Enterprise system that our Founding Fathers gave us. We need
more than one Congressman planting the seeds of self-government.
Before the federal judiciary ordered local schools to remove
copies of the Ten Commandments
from classrooms, the Justice Department did not keep statistics on
rapes and aggravated assaults committed by children ages 13-15.
Today it does. Does this prove that we need a large federal
government, and an intrusive Justice Department? Or does it prove
that we need to return to the vision of our Founding Fathers:
"Liberty under God."
Three Branches of Government:
Executive || Legislative
|| Judicial
The Fourth Branch